Chapter Five

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 Once the four of them were standing in the doorway of the institute Simon looked around, eyes widened in surprise before he turned back to Clary, "Where are we? What the hell? Clary, is there a war going on that I don't know about.?"

Jace gave the mundane a look, "There is now."

Clary looked at her best friend, and motioned between herself and her sister as she spoke, "and I think that our mother is at the center of it." Aria rolled her eyes but said nothing, Valentine was behind it so of course their mother was at the center of it, Clary followed Jace and turned back to look at Simon, "You coming?"

"Yeah" then he follows her while looking around "There's a lot of gear here, what'd they do rob a tech shop?" Jace starts messing with the monitor and Simon looks at Clary "So this cold-blooded killer is going to help us?"

Aria rolled her eyes she knew that this was his first glimpse into the Shadow World but still, his comments were annoying her. Clary gave him a look, He's not a killer he's protecting us."

"Specifically, you, it's sort of our thing," Jace said not looking away from the monitor, making Aria snort.

Simon having definitely caught what Jace said, looked between him and Clary, "Your thing? You guys have a thing?"

The older redhead once again rolled her eyes at Simon, "he means a Shadowhunter thing."

Clary nodded and added to what her sister was saying, "Yeah, it's what they do, protect humans from demons." On the inside though Clary was happy that her sister was finally at least acknowledging her and thought that maybe now that she knew about the Shadow World, Aria might actually want to be around her but if only Clary knew that it was a lot more complicated than that.

Simon scoffed not believing what Clary had just said, "Demons right, that makes perfect sense because there are demons running all around New York."

Then Jace being well himself says, "That is the first correct thing you've said all day." They see some guy walk up to the door through the camera but Aria kind of tunes out when the police officer starts talking and tunes back in when Jace says "and the NYPD will do their typical Mundie thing for a few hours and then the area will be clear."

Alec walked in with Kaid a little behind him "What is going on and why is there a mundane in the institute?"

Jace looks at him and sighs "A circle member followed him to get to Clary."

Clary came into the conversation then "A circle rune, just like the guys that took my mother."

Aria scoffed "Obviously they're the ones that took our mother Clary." They looked at the older Fray noticing the look she had, but no one questioned it at that moment. it occurred to both Izzy and Kaid that Aria knew more than she let on but they felt that wasn't the time to mention it. 

Simon looked confused, Simon looks confused "What is a circle member and why are they trying to kill us?"

Jace looked at him "All we know is ... a long time ago the circle led a revolt and a lot of Shadowhunters were killed... including my father." Aria keeps her mouth shut knowing a little bit more about this than the others because one day while Clary was at school she made her mom tell her about her dad whom Jocelyn told Clary was a fireman and died in a fire but Aria still had a few memories of him so she knew that wasn't true and Jocelyn gave in told her about what he did and everything but she's not saying anything because Aria knows they would ask questions that she's not ready to answer "and since the revolt, we have been forbidden to even hear about the circle."

Clary scoffed giving them a look, "how is that even possible? It's your history."

Jace scoffs back at her, "says the girl who didn't even know she was a Shadowhunter."

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