Chapter Six

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 The group just pulled up to Pandemonium and Clary got out of Simon's van and started yelling "Dot! Dot!"

Jace gets out behind her "Clary! Clary, stop! where are you going?"

Clary looks at him "Two men, Circle members... the same ones who came to my house, who took my mom. They have Dot. They're gonna hurt her or kill her. We have to stop them!" then she runs off into the now empty club and they all follow her "No she was just trying to help me and now she's gone"

Simon put his hand on her shoulder "Clary I'm sorry"

Clary shrugs him off tears welling up in her eyes "You don't understand, Dot's like my big sister."

Aria rolled her eyes at her sister because she cared about Dot as well but Clary was only thinking about herself at that moment, Kaid could tell that Aria was getting annoyed because he walked over and put his hand on her shoulder and she looked over at him and smiled, relaxing ever so slightly at his presence. His presence has always had a bit of a calming effect on Aria, she never understood why but she'd take it.

Then Alec looks around at the group "It's not safe here we have to get back to the institute right now."

Clary looks at him "So what now? Valentine has my mom and Dot and we're just gonna give up? and what about my memories They can't just be gone?"

Jace looks at her "There is another option."

Aria shook her head disagreeing with what the blonde boy was suggesting. She knew for damn sure that Clary was not ready or prepared to face the Silent Brothers.

"Don't even think about it"

"Absolutely not"

"Not a chance," Alec, Izzy, and Kaid all said at the same time.

Jace gave the three of them a look, "I'm not afraid of the Silent Brothers"

"Who are the Silent Brothers?" questions Clary.

Kaid looks at the younger redhead "They're Shadowhunters with superior powers."

And then Izzy adds "Who possesses the ability to recover memories."

And finally, Alec finishes the sentence "A process that can also kill you, so there's that."

Simon looks at Alec "Your bedside manner is abysmal."

Alec rolls his eyes "We've broken at least 18 Clave rules now you want to go to the City of Bones? there's no way I won't allow it."

Aria looked at them and said, "Sorry guys but I agree with Alec on this one, it's too dangerous for her."

Clary scoffed at that because in her eyes Aria never showed an interest in her well-being but she said nothing knowing it wasn't the time.

Jace gave Aria a look, "This isn't our choice to make. This is Clary's decision."

Alec gives Aria a small grateful nod and Izzy looks at Jace "You can't ask her to do this, she doesn't know what she's facing, she's not prepared."

Clary looks at them with a determined look on her face, "If anyone can tell me another way to recover my memories and still get the answers we need, I'm listening"

Jace laughs and looks at Alec "That settles it, see I told you she was one of us."

Once they pulled up to the graveyard and the group got out of the van and started walking in Simon said "Yeah this place isn't creepy, not at all"

Izzy laughs "Don't tell me you're afraid?"

Simon scoffs "Are you kidding me? I was born afraid, which sounded a lot better in my head"

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