Chapter Nine

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A few minutes later there was a knock on Aria's door she rolled her eyes knowing that it was Kaid, "Come in." he walked in and smiled at her, "I told Izzy not to bother you that I was just gonna try and get some sleep but she never listens." 

Kaid chuckled, "Yeah you're right there but we both know you wouldn't have been able to sleep with your mind running a million miles a minute, Ari." 

She sighed knowing that he was right, she motioned for Kaid to sit on the bed with her and he sat down beside her, "You're right but I can't help it, with everything that we've found out tonight and the fact that Nathan might still be alive and for some reason, I can't feel his presence though our twin bond and everything is just falling apart around me it feels like." tears welled up in her eyes as she continued talking, "and I miss him you know Nathan I miss him so much and to find out that he might still be out there, it's just a lot to take in and..." Aria wiped the tears from her face as she looked at Kaid, "I've never told anyone this not even mom really knows, it was just me, Nathan and Luke, he was watching us when we found out about it... it's the main reason I knew that Luke would have taken my side about the whole situation if Mom had told him everything..." The redhead blew out a breath as Kaid listened to her not interrupting and letting her get it all out of her system first, "Nathan and I, our bond was more than just a twin bond, we were Parabtai, the rune just appeared on us one day, we were our playing Luke was watching us at mom's request... we both yelped and grabbed our wrists, mine was my right, Nathan's was his left. Luke came running over to us thinking that we had gotten hurt only to see the rune burning itself into our wrists" She ran her thumb over the 'blank' space on her wrist she keeps it concealed all the time so she doesn't have to answer questions about it. "it was the first time he had ever heard of that happening to anyone, Luke said that it would be best not to mention it to anyone, including our parents until he had spoken to the clave to see if they had any record of it happening before, so Nathan and I promised Luke that we wouldn't mention it, we knew it was there but Luke placed a concealment rune right next it and activated it, hiding it from view but made sure that it was the only rune that it would conceal besides the concealment rune itself.. so I  feel the emptiness even more than I should because not only can I not feel the twin bond but I can't feel the Parabtai one either which only made me think more that he was dead not being able to feel either bond."

Kaid nodded at her, and wrapped his arms around and pulled her into a hug knowing that she needed it, "so that's why you told Izzy that you couldn't be her Parabtai when she asked you because you already had one and you can't wear the rune twice once you've gotten it."  

Aria relaxed into Kaid's embrace, "Yeah if it hadn't been for that I would have said yes to being Izzy's Parabtai in a heartbeat but I didn't know how to explain the situation to her at that time like I said nobody else even knew about that little detail, I kept my promise to Luke and never told mom about it, especially after what happened, I've never gotten the chance to ask him if he spoke to the clave about it or not, guess I'll have to ask the next time I see him." 

The two had ended up with Kaid leaning against Aria's headboard and her head laying in his lap with the boy playing with her hair and eventually that made Aria fall asleep. Kaid had smiled down at her slightly as he kept playing with her hair knowing that she liked it and that it had a calming effect on her.  he spoke softly so as not to wake her, "I promise Ari, that I won't stop until we know something about your brother... I would do anything as long as it would make you happy." he leaned his head back and closed his eyes and also fell asleep with his fingers tangled into her hair from where he was playing with it. 

The two had stayed like that for a few hours only to be disturbed by Izzy coming in to get Aria to tell her they had something that might help get Clary's memories back. She walked in and quietly squealed at the scene snapping a few pictures, oooh she couldn't wait until they finally got together. 

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