Prologue - A Dream

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Arthur Drake POV

I was dreaming, but at the same time, it felt extremely real. I felt like I was back to the age of five, a time of my life I can't really remember. I saw my parents, their faces seemed like a blur, and I couldn't hear what they were saying. I watched as they handed me off to my grandfather, but my eyes were glued to them, my arms outstretched, trying to reach out to them as they watched my grandfather take me away. Two of the three people in this life I trusted, I know I trusted them, they were my parents. I kept trying to break free, but my grandfather held me in his grip, I wanted to go back to my parents. After a while, I managed to break free, I tried to run for my parents, but my grandfather, despite being younger at the time, moved faster than anyone I ever seen to get in front of me and hold me by the shoulders. 

"Arthur, we have to go, if we don't..." Grandfather said, his azure colored eyes said looking at me, his graying hair having a mix of the wheat hair I had at the ends. But I could hear this conversation, why could I hear this conversation? "I want to go back! I want to go back to mama and papa!" I shouted back. It was weird back then, why did I act so much like a child? But from what I now learned about the brain, I assumed it was because my brain lacked the proper growth to act like a proper adult, despite the rational my mental state held at many times. Grandfather responded, "Arthur, I'm sorry, but your parents are doing this for you. If I don't take you away from here, your life might be at risk." I tried to break out one last time, but my eyes were glued to something that appeared back to where my parents were, a large dragon, one of a pure white.

My grandfather lifted me up, "I'm sorry Arthur, but you'll understand in the future why this is happening, why we chose to do this." I watched the dragon roar, and a figure floating up next to the dragons head. Something I assumed was magic began to fly from the floating figure, and many began to fly back at the figure. It was like the peaceful home I lived in since birth became a warzone in seconds when that dragon appeared, but the dragon didn't seem to be fighting offensively, but rather in a defensive way. Same with the figure, as many spells didn't seem to make it to the figure or the dragon. Grandfather said, just as I felt a momentary pain on my neck, "Sorry Arthur, but I can't have you fight me anymore on this." With that, the dream faded, and I awoke drenched in sweat, the confusion within me rising.

I looked to the roof of my room as I processed what that dream was, my parents, a dragon, and a mage of some kind. Now, I knew this wasn't that farfetched, this world was the world of Highschool DxD, where angels, fallen angels, and devils roamed the land, dragons and magic seemed par for the course... but I had no memory of this event occurring, and last I checked, I was an ordinary human. I shook my head, it was the last day of school, I couldn't be late and get chewed out on the last day of school. I quickly got in the shower and got dressed, then looked at myself in the mirror, my right eye not opening and closing with my left. I'm not sure what caused my eye to act like this, but I know it would be risky to force it open based on what my grandfather said, so I just cover it up with an eyepatch to not freak people out. So I put it on, put the rest of my uniform on, and went downstairs to eat breakfast. 

As I ate, grandfather sat down, so I decided to speak with him about it, "Hey, gramps, can I talk with you about a dream I had last night?" He looked up, his hair was beginning to whiten in some spots, and grey hair was still majorly prevalent. I assumed I inherited his once wheat hair and azure eyes from him, but he seemed nonchalant about my question, "Sure, you don't really talk about dreams often, so this one got your mind in a twist, doesn't it?" I nodded, "Yeah, it was... about mom and dad." This caused him to furrow his brows, not in anger, but more confusion, but he remained silent so I could speak. So I spoke, about mom and dad, how I couldn't see their faces, him taking me away, and the dragon and figure being attacked with magic before he knocked me out. Grandfather thought for a moment, then sighed, "I see..." He was silent as I ate

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