🗯️ A bouquet of rose's for you my lover.....

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- Third person p.o.v. -

< Summary - Hanni and Minji are on a date and Minji spot a bouquet of roses that fits Hanni's personality, a rose.. >


Minji strolled through the park with a fluttering heart, her hand gently clasped with Hanni's. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the tranquil scene.

Their third date was already filled with shared laughter and glances that spoke volumes, but Minji wanted to make it unforgettable.

As they reached a quaint area with a small flower shop, Minji excused herself to grab some snacks, leaving Hanni sitting on a bench, a soft smile playing on her lips.

The air buzzed with the anticipation of what the night might hold.

Inside the flower shop, Minji's eyes darted around until they landed on a stunning bouquet of roses.

Each petal seemed to radiate Hanni's vibrant personality, mirroring the shades of her infectious laughter.

Minji knew she had to surprise her girlfriend with this thoughtful gesture.

"Excuse me, could I get those roses, please?" Minji asked the florist, her excitement barely contained.

The florist nodded, carefully preparing the bouquet with a touch of artistic finesse. Minji paid, her heart fluttering with the knowledge of the surprise she had in store.

Back at the bench, Hanni watched the world go by with a dreamy gaze. Minji returned, snacks in hand, and took a seat beside her, a mischievous grin playing on her lips.

"Got your favorite snacks, Hanni," Minji said, handing over the treats. Hanni's eyes lit up, grateful for the considerate gesture.

As they enjoyed their snacks, Minji couldn't contain her excitement any longer.

"I saw something that reminded me of you in there," she said, reaching behind her back and presenting the radiant bouquet of roses. "These are for you, my rose."

Hanni's eyes widened in surprise, her hand covering her heart.

"For me?" she exclaimed, her cheeks flushing with a mix of joy and gratitude.

She delicately accepted the bouquet, marveling at the vibrant hues.

"They just seemed to capture your spirit so perfectly," Minji confessed, her eyes locked onto Hanni's. "Just like every date we've had, full of color and life."

Hanni couldn't help but lean in for a sweet kiss, the world around them fading into the background. The roses nestled between them, a symbol of the blooming connection they shared.

As the evening continued, Minji and Hanni wandered through the park, hand in hand.

Their laughter resonated through the air, blending seamlessly with the rustle of leaves and distant chatter.

The roses, cradled in Hanni's arms, became a silent witness to the blossoming love that continued to grow with each passing moment.

"I never expected our dates to be this magical," Hanni confessed, her gaze fixed on Minji. "You always find a way to make everything so special."

Minji chuckled, her heart swelling with affection. "Well, you're pretty magical yourself, Hanni. These roses are just a small token of how much you mean to me."

The night wore on, and the park's lights began to twinkle, casting a romantic ambiance over the scene.

Underneath a canopy of stars, Minji and Hanni found a quiet spot to sit, the roses cradled between them like a precious secret.

"You're my favorite surprise, Minji," Hanni whispered, her fingers gently tracing the petals of the roses. "I never knew love could feel so enchanting."

Minji smiled, her eyes reflecting the love she felt for the girl beside her. "And you're my favorite adventure, Hanni. Here's to many more magical dates and beautiful surprises."

As they shared a tender moment, the fragrance of the roses lingered in the air, a reminder of the beautiful night they had created together.

In the quiet embrace of the park, surrounded by nature's beauty and the warmth of their love, Minji and Hanni felt the promise of countless more chapters in their love story.


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