🗯️ Initial moments. ( Requested )

411 19 2

- Third person p.o.v -

< Summary : Just Hanni and Minji reminiscing their first moments before they became official..>

Hanni and Minji sat on the porch, sipping their favorite tea as the sun dipped below the horizon. The soft glow of twilight enveloped them, casting a warm hue over the memories they were about to unravel.

"Do you remember that quaint café where we first met?" Hanni asked, a nostalgic smile playing on her lips.

Minji's eyes sparkled with recollection. "Of course! It was that small place on the corner with the charming barista and the smell of freshly ground coffee."

Hanni chuckled. "I was so nervous when you walked in. I couldn't help but be captivated by your smile."

Minji blushed, a faint pink spreading across her cheeks. "And you were sitting there, engrossed in a book. I remember thinking, 'I need to know more about her.'"

Their laughter echoed through the evening air as they reminisced about the moments that led to their journey together.

"Then came the camping trip with Danielle, Haerin, and Hyein," Hanni continued. "We got lost in those woods, but it turned into an adventure we'll never forget."

Minji leaned back, her eyes squinting as if trying to visualize the dense forest. "I thought we were hopeless when we realized we had no idea where the campsite was. But you, with your adventurous spirit, took charge and led us back."

Hanni grinned. "And you were the one who found that beautiful clearing where we decided to set up camp. It was like a scene from a fairytale."

As the night deepened, they shared stories of that camping trip – the laughter around the campfire, the shared meals, and the starlit conversations that drew them closer.

"Remember when we stumbled upon that hidden waterfall?" Minji asked, a fondness in her voice.

Hanni nodded. "It was magical. I still can't believe we found it by accident. Nature has a way of guiding us to beautiful moments."

The conversation turned to their journey from friends to something more.

"I was so nervous when I realized I had feelings for you," Minji admitted, her fingers playing with the edge of her teacup.

Hanni chuckled, reaching for Minji's hand. "And here I thought I was the only one feeling those butterflies. The day you finally gathered the courage to ask me out, I was over the moon."

Minji sighed, a mixture of relief and happiness in her eyes. "I remember pacing back and forth, rehearsing what I was going to say. I couldn't believe how jittery I felt."

Hanni squeezed Minji's hand gently. "But your words were perfect. I don't think I've ever said 'yes' faster in my life."

They fell into a comfortable silence, the memories weaving a tapestry of their journey together.

The stars above seemed to twinkle in approval, as if acknowledging the love that had blossomed from those first encounters in the café to the serene moments on the porch.

As the night grew colder, Hanni pulled Minji closer, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

They sat there, surrounded by the echoes of their shared laughter and the warmth of a love that had grown stronger with each passing day.

"I'm so grateful for every moment we've shared," Hanni whispered, her voice a soft melody in the quiet night.

Minji leaned her head on Hanni's shoulder, smiling contently. "Me too. From that café to the woods and everything in between, I wouldn't change a single thing."

And so, under the starlit sky, Hanni and Minji continued to write the story of their love, each page filled with the beauty of their shared memories and the promise of many more chapters to come.


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