🗯️ Ramen noodles...

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- Summary -

< Hanni wants ramen >

Hanni tossed and turned in bed, the hunger pangs striking her at an ungodly hour. The clock on her nightstand blinked 12:46 am, and all she could think about was a steaming bowl of ramen. She turned to her tall, sleepy girlfriend, Minji, who was softly snoring beside her.

"Honey, wake up," Hanni whispered, gently shaking Minji. "I need ramen. Can we go to the convenience store?"

Minji, eyes half-closed, mumbled something incoherent.

"But it's a midnight ramen emergency!" Hanni insisted, her stomach growling for emphasis.

With a resigned sigh, Minji finally opened her eyes. "Alright, alright. Let's go get your ramen."

The two bundled up in hoodies and slipped on sneakers, embarking on their quest for the perfect late-night noodles. Hanni, at 5'4", clung to Minji's 5'9" frame as they navigated the quiet streets illuminated only by the pale glow of streetlights.

The convenience store was a haven of fluorescent lights and refrigerated air. Hanni darted down the aisles, her eyes scanning the shelves for the ultimate ramen flavor. Minji, still half-asleep, followed her like a loyal giant.

"Hmm, should we go with miso or spicy chicken?" Hanni pondered, holding two packets in her hands.

Minji leaned on the cart, stifling a yawn. "Just grab both, and let's go home."

As they approached the cashier, Hanni noticed a display of instant mochi ice cream. "Wait, Minji, we need dessert too!"

A sleepy chuckle escaped Minji's lips as Hanni added a couple of mochi packs to their loot. The cashier raised an eyebrow but refrained from commenting on the odd combination of midnight snacks.

Back home, the aroma of boiling ramen filled their cozy kitchen. Hanni hummed with satisfaction, finally appeasing her late-night cravings. Minji, now fully awake, sat across from Hanni at the dining table, watching her with a fond smile.

"You're a menace, you know that?" Minji teased.

Hanni slurped a noodle and grinned. "But you love me."

Minji chuckled, leaning over to steal a kiss. "Yeah, I do."

The couple savored their unexpected midnight feast, laughter filling the air as they shared stories and dreams. The ramen was a comfort, but it was the simple moments with Minji that made it truly special.

As the clock ticked past 2 am, Hanni nestled into Minji's embrace on the couch. Full and content, they watched a random movie on TV, the glow of the screen casting a warm ambiance. The convenience store adventure became a cherished memory, a tale they would retell with laughter in the days to come.

The night waned, and fatigue settled in. Minji, still the protective giant, scooped Hanni into her arms and carried her to bed. They drifted into a peaceful slumber, the remnants of midnight cravings fading into sweet dreams.

And so, in the quiet hours of that night, Hanni and Minji found joy in the simplicity of a midnight ramen run—an impromptu adventure that became a cherished chapter in their love story.


< A/N : I'm backkkk ~ >

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