Drabbles 2: Fight Nights and Pep Talks

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8. Falcon Punch

Grim fondly recalls the day that they punched Icky right in the face. They wanted to get back at him for throwing them into a freaking lake, nearly making Grim drown cause of it and making Grim unable to go to work for a few days. Their orders for fixing systems were piling up thanks to him. It was a simple morning with Kiino working on a new story, Sheepie making her famous scrambled eggs, Sting watching the news, Sara doodling and Icky pestering a very busy Grim.

"Are you still mad at me for throwing you in the lake?" Grim grumbled as they worked with the memory drives for an old DSi.


"Why didn't you get out of the water when you had the chance?"

"Cause I was actually warming up to the idea of not being alone."

"Hmm........how come you never learned to swim and are now afraid of drowning?" This literally struck a nerve in Grim. With moves very fast, Grim set the DS on the table, stood up and punched Icky so hard in the face that even Captain Falco would be proud. "WOULD YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT IT!?"

Let's just say, Icky learned to never ever piss Grim off again.

9. A 'Sticky' Situation

Grim and Kiino both found the ship name Sara came up with for Sting and Icky the most hilarious thing ever. Especially the day Sting found out what bubblegum was and decided to buy some. Sara and Sheepie watch amused as Sting threw a piece in her stitch covered mouth and questions its odd texture. Icky, being the 'Casanova' he is, tried to sneak a kiss from Sting's lips after she asked if he wanted any. This ended in Sting blowing a bubble right as he leaned in, causing it to pop all over Icky's hair. The next few hours were filled with Icky screaming as Sting tried to cut and brush the mess out and the giggling of the other four members of the squad.

10. This is Talking Icky?

The most ironic thing about having five out of the six Squad members turn into kids is that they would get into some crazy fights. One being whose voice was the highest, featuring Icky and Sheepie. It began with Kiino poking fun, saying that this is Icky and he's gonna get in to a fight. Little did Kiino know that when Icky said "My voice is higher than your voice." that it would set Sheepie off and make her begin to mimic him.

"My voice is higher than your voice." Icky frowned, raising his vocal chords pitch to make sound like that of a hyper chipmunk.

"My voice is higher than your voice!" This continued on for about ten minutes, each kid yelling back and forth so loud that Kiino swore their ears started to bleed.

"MY VOICE IS HIGHER THA-" The sound stopped once Sara covered Icky's mouth and Grim covered Sheepie's, a startled Sting trying to tell Icky to stop. For once, Kiino could never agree with a kid more.

11. Smoking

Grim doesn't remember how or when it started. It was just one day they picked one up, lit their lighter and soon Grim became addicted. Weeks passed and Grim was still smoking, careful to keep the Squad from knowing to save them the worry. Grim didn't want them to worry about someone as stupid as themself. Well that's what they thought. When Grim wasn't busy at work or fixing some kids busted computer, they were trying to wrap their head around life. The reason for this? Grim's aunt had just been admitted in to the hospital a month ago with serious respiratory issues. With Grim being so far from home, it made life difficult. They didn't have enough money to fly back home and even if they did, there's a good chance Grim would run into their old friend and Grim didn't want that one bit. So for now they were stuck with phone calls and video chats.

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