new enemy arise

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The group was shown walking into one of the main halls were two big glass skulls were shown slowly filling up by each second as they lead clawdeen over"okay it's simple these are the skulls as you can see they start out pretty equally at first but the school is watching to see who's the best leader it's how the school scores a prefect competition it'll observe you for the next few days and then make it's choice first one to the top wins"Frankie explained as clawdeens name was under the skull with purple pebbles filling it up while toraleis was orange.

Clawdeen smiles softly "my mom was a prefect. I never thought I'd walk in her shoes like This"she says as Scarlett hugs her"your gonna make her proud hon and we're all here to help"she says with a sisterly smile she was like an older sister to them as deuce lays a gentle hand on clawdeens shoulder"this is huge for you prefect is the voice of the whole student body"he says as they all smile.

"Am I even ready for this "clawdeen asked nervously.

"Toralei were you excited to be chosen"was heard as they turn around to see her and Horus walking with a group of monsters"of course I'm thrilled to be chosen and I already thought of my slogan 'protect monster' because that's what I intend to do"she says picturing it in front of before seeing the others across as she suddenly got an idea as she smirks.

"And I'll be helping her with the campaigning"Horus says with a smile as some ghouls around him giggle.

"tell me what do you call an oblivious lycan"she asked as they try to guess before she looks right at clawdeen "an unaware wolf"she says as the monster beside her smiles writing it down before the papers where knocked out of his hands before they walk off.

"Ohh let me at her!"scarlett yells going to charge forward before Blaise grabs her by the waist as her feet kick in the air as he whispered calm words in her ear as she simmers down.

Draculura huffs shaking her head "she can't win she can't"she says making them turn to face her as she walks over to a table with the others following as she opens a book of drawings of the four of them smiling as she holds her hands over a picture "show what's good with no mistake , and on this page a likeness make"she cast a spell as a picture of clawdeen on a flyer slowly lifts up with pink magic saying 'clawdeen:monsters human friend' before a few of them float to a wall as they stick"the only way to have a friend is to be one"Draculura says the quote from above the flyer as they all smile with one another."now we can have a slogan of our own"she adds as clawdeen tears up with a smile.

"Thank you"she says sitting her stuff down a she hugs Draculura with a tearful smile as they hug before Frankie hops over giving them a hug before they all yell getting zapped before Frankie pulls away quickly " I really need to get that under control"she says with a sheepish smile as stitches shakes his head smiling.

Just then demi appears out of nowhere making heath scream jumping backs as Scarlett laughs at her little brother.

"Hey toralei just told gory gazette that, witchcraft is a filthy human habitat that puts all monsters at risk"she says imitating with toraleis accent as they all scoff"what"Draculura asked with anger in her voice as fang growls steam coming out hos ears"huh that's a new one" Scarlett says with a raised eyebrow.

"They want clawdeen to comment"demi says.

"Why that catty little cat!"clawdeen says as Cleo walks over calmly"easy breath"she says as clawdeen takes a deep breath.

"Cross my heart which is in a jar in my room I will handle the press for yyas your campaign manager"Cleo says as Cleo walks away with demi as they talk about campaigning.

"This isn't gonna end well since the royal mummy siblings will be going against each other"fang points out as they all share looks.

Clawdeen then stand switch her shoulders tall"ok we can't let some cat with trust issues ruin monster high let's win this"she says as they all share smiles it was game on with toralei she better be ready to loose.

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