the election

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Draculura, Frankie and clawdeen were shown in the court yard helping while not to far scarlett was paceing while her Best friends and boyfriend sigh.

"Ooh I could just light him on fire for his smugness just cause he comes from a royal blood line doesn't mean he has to act all high and mighty that old ragged mummy looking bug!!"she hisses paceing back and forth.

"Dude you might want to calm her down before she burns a while into the ground then the school wouldn't be to happy"fang says as stitches nod his head before Blaise sighs walking over as he steps in her path way as he placed his hands gently on her shoulders.

"Babe I know your angry but we don't want to make the school mad if you burn a whole into the ground plus all four of us are better then that over dressed mummy prince"Blaise says as he calms his girlfriend down who sighs.

"I know it's just he ticks me off but your right the four of us are better then him any day"she says with a smile as they hug before jumping with a bang of cackling is heard as the four whirl.

There Frankie was sitting her hand on a rail leaning back when all of sudden a electricity statics as it traveled up the rail shocking a monster who screamed as Draculura and clawdeen watch wide eyes soon the electricity stops as Frankie turns with a sheepish smile to the monster "oh! Sorry"she says before turning back to the other three as Scarlett and the others walk over.

"Well at least it's not as bad as when stitches got his upgrades and literally fried the whole school lets just say the school got him back for that"Scarlett says as stitches looked at her annoyed for that.

"My new electrical system sometimes it's a little to responsive the other night I accidentally shocked my mom and gave her a perm she looks good"Frankie says with a shrug.

"That what happens when you get new upgrades it takes time to control and I agree "stitches says as he hugs his little sister by the shoulders.

Soon a ghoul who was pale white wearing as black dress with a black and white loose sleeve sweater that goes down to her knees with black panty hose and cute shoes waves with her white hair styled with bons"clawdeen sage says walking over through a person she was a ghost.

Clawdeen walks over with a smile "wow clawdeen wolf it's really you I'm demi demi bouvier did you get my dm on the eek Tok or spookbook or grum grum your the reason I'm here im ghost and human and you inspired me to own all of me "the ghoul says with an excitement as a few others approach as they stand around clawdeen as demi shakes her hand before her hand goes see through as clawdeens hand falls through as demi laughs"uh...I'm solid most of the time until i get excited"she says slightly knocking her hand against her head with a nervous smile.

"I use to think I couldn't tell anyone but not anymore"demi says with a smile.

Clawdeen nods her head with a smile"I know the feeling "she says as they share a laugh before demi then pulls out a button just like you one she and a few others were wearing"I made these "she says as a close up was shown of the yellow and purple button that said humon in black and yellow letters"they're human monster pride buttons we formed a pride club "she explained as the people around her nod there heads"would you like to sign one"she asked clawdeen.

Clawdeen smiles"sure"she says taking the button as demi pulls pen"here" she made with a minute figure of clawdeen on top with a pink fur coat and with black shirt with small white crestent moon and a pink cheetah skirt"ow woe"she says with shock as she laughs "i made that to"demi says proudly as clawdeen takes the pen with a smile as she signs the button and mingles with the monster.

The school was shown with a sun set as a mic screech's on"attention all students are to report to the clawditorium for a special assembly immediately after dinner tonight on a related note dinner will include piranha soup please eat it before it eats"as birds fly past the towers

As the clawditorium "all right take your seats"was said over over the speakers. The clawditorium was wicked looking with stone walls with purple walls here and there with a few lights as Scarlett was walking in before she was bumped into by horus "uh excuse you "he says as he walks off as she glares daggers at his back before taking a seat beside by Blaise who throws an arm over his girlfriend's shoulder "what's wrong babe"he asked as she just out her thumb at horus who was sitting beside toralei as he nods his head before there friends join them. as Frankie says excitedly at ellis who waves back but keeps his eyes on Draculura who smiles as fang looks confused between the two wondering who this boy is waving at his little sister as decue then sits next to clawdeen as they talk.

Soon the lights lower as blood good was shown on a wicked stage with a crystal behind her ,an ancient element table with carvings as two glass mirrors face each other with the monster high banners hanging proudly"good evening students it's a new year and a new moon and monster high welcomes you back"she says as a distant screaming was heard with a whooshing making everyone look around as they lights flicker slowly demi looks around"is that normal "she asked turning to the ghouls behind her.

"Yeah the schools kind of alive don't worry it's mostly friendly"clawdeen says with a smile reassuring demi who smiles turning around as clawdeen leans back in her chair "mostly"she says to her self.

"In the manner of our four founders tonight we embrace prefect election the naming of this years student leader,your prefect as always your school will choose the student it finds Worthy an inspiring leader honorable in both word and deed"blood good explained as Cleo smiles sitting next to logna"yeah except the school always just picks most popular kid"she says as the two laugh.

"Let the candidates be revealed elementals "blood good says as scarlet turns to her little brother"sorry bro but its your turn"she says with a smirk as heath stands up"that's our cue"he says while playfully glaring at his older sister.

He and Logna walk towards the stage since they use the water and fire elements as they walk up the stairs to the stone table"as we look to a new year we welcome elements of change: fire and water."she says as a bell is heard with a goning before a distant screaming and whooshing was heard again as blood glory turns to the stone table speaking in Latin up at the crystal "power of fire"she says as heath lifts uo his hand as his hair turns fire before laying it on a stone rock in the table as fire travels through it as torches light up with fire as well around the three as a stone skull was shown in the middle of the table as the fire travels as the word glow with fire as fire rised out of the eyes"power of water"blood good says as logna lifts up her hand as she sits it on a stone rock in the table as water meetz fire causing a purple flash before a light blue spreads through tye design with steam as the word glow a bright blue before it turns white as the steam amd smoke travel up the crystal"house of spirits show us your choices"blood good says as everyone waits with a baited breath.

Blood good then speaks Latin as a bell gongs as she walks over to one of the mirrors as it dogs over as clawdeen was spelled "clawdeen wolf"she announced as her friends cheer loudly as monster cheer while toraiel huffs rolling her eyes crossing her arms leaning back as horus scoffs.

Clawdeen sits there in shock and disbelief "what "she says as her friends and boyfriend continue to cheer as she stands up with a smile "wow"she says in shock before everyone stops as a whooshing with a scream as whispering was heard before blood good walks over to the other mirror as it fogs over as toraiel stripe name was written "competing with clawdeen for prefect we'll be toralei stripe"blood good says as monsters cheer.

"Oh please "scarlet huffs.

Toralei stands up with a smirk licking her fangs as she placed her hands on her hips. As clawdeen closed her eyes taking a deep breath as she licked her fangs before opening her eyes facing toralei"it's on Kumon"toralei says with a smirk that clawdeen returns with confidence"oh you know it"she says before leaning side ways slightly "so how exactly we compete"she asked them as they all share a look.

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