First day of classes part 2

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Scarlett was shown sitting beside blaise as she has her head layed lazyly on his shoulder. Deuce was shown sitting beside a snoring heath.

Stitches and fangs were sitting in front of Scarlett and Blaise. Fang wore a blue button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up with a black vest and jeans with a chain and combat boots while stitches wore a green shirt with an open flannel and black biker jeans with chains and teenis shoes.

Frankie and clawdeen sat behind Draculura and another monster. Cleo sat beside laguna who were behind heath and deuce as other monsters were pared in twos.

"Seems my brother feels asleep before class starts"scarlet says pointing to her little brother as Blaise laughs. She then tears a small piece of paper as she wrote 'wake heath up class is fixing to start'she wrote as she folded it up and makes sure the teach wasn't looking before throwing it to there table as deuce sees a piece of paper as he opens and reads it before turning to scarlet who pointed pointing at the snoring heath.

deuce smiles before shaking heaths shoulders with his elbows "heath!"he whispered but accidentally jars heath awake as a fart noise comes from his head as it puffs black smoke making scarlet smack a hand over her face with a groan as Blaise laughs with the rest of the class besides a few.

Just then Mr komos stands in front of the class into front of some kind of projector"okay I'm mister komos, and I know what you're thinking history,supes boring, right wrong why don't we start with some fun local history the history of monster high itself."he says with a mocking evil laugh but none of his students do anything but stare at him board.

Scarlett then noticed deuce and clawdeen gazing at each other as she smirks seeing Cleo watches the two jealous she was gonna play match maker for deuce and clawdeen.

"Who can tell me when monster high was built"he asked as Frankie and Cleo raised there hands at the same time but he calls on Frankie "yes you"he says with a smile.

"Names Frankie, pronouns they them.the school was built in1071"Frankie says with a smile as scarlet raised an eyebrow impressed as stitches smiles proudly at his little sister.

"Frankie point you "komos says with a smile before looking at the whole class"and who can tell me why monster high was built "again Cleo and Frankie rise there hand up at the same time he points to Frankie again who smiles"Frankie again ".

"To be a safe place for all monsters to be the true selfs"Frankie says with a smile.

"Man stitches sister is on a roll"scarlet lets out a whistle as Blaise nods his head impressed.

"Wow you all are killing this"komos says with a laugh."no who can tell me the greatest threat to monster kind is"he asked as once again Cleo and Frankie rise there hands but Frankies hand accidentally flies off landing on the floor beside deuce.

"oh uh could we give Frankie a hand would you mind"he asked deuce who picks up her hand off the floor before handing it to Frankie with a smile who smiles in return as she twisted her hand back on"okay Frankie I'm just going to assume you know all the answers before I even ask the questions"komos says with a smile as Frankie nods her head.

"Let's hear from you"he says before pointing to Cleo who smirks "humans , humans are the greatest threat to monster kind"she says as she looks smuggly at Frankie making stitches glare daggers at the mummy princess.

"Exactly right which is why they are banned from monster high. Here we only accept those with true monster heart"komos says walking to the chalkboard behind him as he writes true monster heart on it.

Clawdeen then raises her hand "Mr komos quick question are all humans bad"she asked as some of the monsters laugh at her question.

"Thank you clawdeen that actually brings me exactly back to my point I'm gonna share a little history about how bad humans can be"komos says grabbing a guitar as he puts the strap over his head.

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