«CHAPTER - 13»

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A very very happy new year to all of my readers, thank you for your constant support throughout 2023. Keep supporting always. Let's cherish the good happenings in 2024. Luv u all guys.😚🤍

And the public exams are finished. After completing the exam, they bid goodbyes to all their friends.

"Bondu, I will miss you, call me daily, okay" Anusha said.

"I too, I will call you" bondita said.

Ram also talked to Anirudh.

Then, Anirudh and Bondita goes to their house.

They also said bye to each other and gets inside.

Bondita's family was planned to go outing in these public holidays.

After some days,

They were packing their things to go outings. They all packed their luggages.

Bondita was standing at her terrace.

At that time, Anirudh was coming in cycle from the grocery store. She called him.

Then she fastly goes down and went outside to see him.

"Anirudh.." she called.

"What happened, why are you in hurry" he asked.

"I want to say something" she said.

"What?" He asked.

"We are going outing" she said excitedly.

"Oh..." He said.

"Are you sad?" She asked curiously.

"Ha...n..no" he said and lowers his head.

"Don't worry, I will be back in 2 weeks" she said and chuckled.

He smiled.

"Okay..bye, take care" bondita said and left.

Then they went to their outings.

And months passed:

Their school is reopening soon. They are going to 12th grade.

Finally, the school reopened.

As usual, Anirudh and bondita came together to their school.

They all were same class as 11th.
Their class is 12 - A.

They both entered into the classroom. 

"Bondita..." Anusha shouted and ran to her.

"How Are you bondu, I am seeing you after long time, I missed you" Anusha said.

"I too missed you Anu" bondita said and they sat on their seats.

"Hey, bro..how are you?" Ram asked.

"I am fine, how are you? Anirudh asked.

"Somehow good dude" Ram sighed.

And after some time, the teacher came inside. A new teacher came inside.

All students wished her.

"Good morning students" she said.

"Good morning mam" all shouted.

"I am Kriti, I am your new teacher, I will teach you physics" she said.

"And, this is your final year in your school, so study hard and move towards your goal" the teacher advised them.

"Ok mam" they all shouted.

"Ok, today is a first day, so let's relax and introduce yourself" she said.

All introduce themselves.

All teachers came, they didn't teach anything as it is first day.

Finally the school was finished.

Bondita and Anusha were talking and coming outside.

Anirudh was waiting for bondita.

"Hey bondu, did you expressed your feelings to Anirudh" Anusha asked.

Bondita was shocked and looked at Anusha.

"What?, I know about you, bondu" Anusha teased her.

"A..ah..that.." bondita stumbled.

Anusha laughed at her.

"I don't think this is the correct time" bondita said.

"I don't know how to say, but I like him, I want him to be with me all the time" she said.

"Its okay, time will teach you" Anusha said.

Then she waved bye to her go to Anirudh.

"Why are you late?" Anirudh.

"That..I..I..was.. talking to Anusha" bondita said.

"Oh, okay come let's go" he said and she nodded.

She was coming silent all the way home.

"Finally they reached the house.

"Why are you coming silent all the way?" He asked.

"N..nothing" she said.

"Are you ok, do you have any fever?" He asked and kept his palm on her forehead.

"N..no..I am fine" she said and gets inside her house.

He waved bye to her and they both gets inside their house.

She goes to her room and thinking about what Anusha said.

"Do I really have feelings for Anirudh?" She thought to herself.

"Am..am..I.. started to love him?" She asked to herself.

She started to blush.

In Anirudh's house:

Anirudh is in his room and thinking about bondita.

"What happened to her? Why did she behave like this?" He thought in his mind.

And later he slept.

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Stay tuned for the next chapter.

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