«CHAPTER - 16»

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As months passed:

Their final exams are on the way. As usual, still there is a two months there for their public exams. 

In school:

All were talking and playing inside the classroom as teacher were not there. All teachers went to the principal's room for the meeting.

Bondita and Anusha turned back facing their boys.

"Hey, have you all planned what are you going to study?" Anusha asked.

"No, I still have no idea what to do after 12th" Ram said.

"It was my mistake to ask you" Anusha sighed.

"You tell Anirudh, what are you going to study?" Now bondita asked him.

"I have an aim to study sales management, but I am still confused, whether to take it or not" Anirudh said.

"Its a good choice Anirudh" bondita said.

"Now you say what are you going to take?" Anusha asked to bondita.

"I am going to take fashion designing" bondita said.

"So none of them are going to take MBBS, then why'd you all took science group in 11th" Anusha said shrinking her eyebrows.

"You are going to doctor? Right" bondita asked.

Anusha nodded yes but she was sad.

"Then why are you sad" ram asked.

"We are going to separate, separate states maybe cities I am gonna miss you all" Anusha said with slight tears from her eyes.

Bondita calmed her.

"We have still two months, let's enjoy" bondita said and all smiled.

And days passed, days passed into months. Their final exams are almost near. All students were preparing very hard for their exams.

Some students have already applied for their colleges.

All were preparing for the public exams sincerely.

And the day also arrived.

As usual, the quartet said the wishes to eachother and went to their respective exam hall, to write their exams.

After completing the exams, they came outside and discussed something about their exams. This is how went for all their exams.

At the Last day of exam, after completing the exams, the teacher asked the students to the auditorium.

Then all went back as per order.

"Good afternoon students, today is the last day for the 12th students, I hope everyone had your exams well., and we are planning to keep farewell to all our 12th students tomorrow, so all of you should come to our school in the morning and enjoy" the principal said with the smile and blessed them.

And after school finishes, Anirudh and bondita goes to their houses. 

The next day:

Anirudh and Bondita goes to their school.

They both goes inside their school. All students were there standing and taking photos.

Anusha came and hugged bondita tightly and sobbing.

"I miss you bondita....I am gonna miss you all" she said and crying hard.

Then all shared the group hug.

"I can't believe that we are going to separate" now ram said and became sad.

"Ok...ok...let's be normal, we all will meet soon , let's enjoy this moment" bondita said.

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