«CHAPTER - 11»

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The next day:

They spent the holidays in Munnar for one week. At last night, they were just sitting at night and make camps and tents. They are playing, singing songs, dancing, and doing some small games.

At the time Anirudh was going somewhere, bondita looked at him, but she didn't take it seriously.

Then Aditi also goes behind him but this was unnoticed by bondita.

After some time ram asked Bondita,

"Did you see Anirudh I can't see him anywhere?" ram asked.

She was thinking and gets up from her place then she goes the same direction where Anirudh went.

When she goes there, she was shocked by seeing that, tears were flowing from her eyes.

There, Aditi tightly hugged Anirudh and she was seeing to be crying.

When Bonita sees them and she was standing freeze in her place and when Anirudh sees bondita was standing there, he pushed Aditi and goes near bondita, but she ran from that place.

Anusha sees bondita and asked,

"Where are you going bondu?" Anusha asked.

But she gets no reply, bondita goes to her room, anirudh also goes behind her and held her hand.

"Bondita....bondita..listen" he said.

But she didn't listened to him and trying to leave from his grip.

"Leave my hand... leave" she said and  goes inside her room.

She starts crying, She didn't know why she was crying, she never likes when someone is close to Anirudh.

She was broken when, Aditi hugged him.

"Why are you crying bondita, he is just a friend to you" she said to herself.

Bondita told about the incident to Anusha and cried and she consoled her.

She was crying hard and after some time she slept due to the tiredness. 

The next day:

All students and teachers were packing all the suitcases as their vacation was over.

In bus, anusha and Ram were sitting together in the bus and Anirudh was sitting, and he puts a place for bondita.

When she enters, she came and sees that Anirudh is sitting there, she doesn't  want to sit there, so she goes near Ram and said,

"Ram, please go and sit behind" bondita said.

"Why, I will sit here" ram said.

"Hey, you go behind" Anusha also said.

"Please listen" she said and Ram also goes behind looking at them confusingly.

Then she sits near anusha.

Anirudh looking at her from behind.

She didn't look at him and after some reached they reached Kolkata.

All came down from the bus.

"Bondita, Don't think anything, sleep early" Anusha said.

Bondita nodded and waved bye to Anusha and Ram.

She started to walk in the road, Anirudh also goes behind her and called her from behind Road, but she didn't listened him.

Finally she reached the house and goes inside her home.

He sighed and he also goes inside his house.

"Come bondita, how is your holidays?" Her mom asked.

"It was good ma" she said slowly.

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