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The next day:

Bondita wakes up and gets ready for the school.

She comes down and ate breakfast. Aditi already went to the school wantedly, because she didn't liked to go to school with bondita. 

"Bondita, be careful while driving the cycle, see the road and pedal okay?" Her dad advised her.

"Ok dad, bye" she said and goes outside near her bicycle.

She saw Anirudh also taking his bicycle, 

"A.. Anirudh.." she called.

He didn't listen and started to Drive.

Bondita pedalled her bicycle fast to reach him. She then reached him.

"Anirudh...I want to talk to you" she said.

"What?" He asked while driving.

"I want to talk to you, after school finishes" she said.

"I am busy" he said.

"Yaar, just 10 mins, pls" she pleaded him.

He didn't say anything and pedalled his bicycle to school.

Finally they both reached the school. 

In school:

"Come, let's go" she said and trying to hold his hand. Anirudh suddenly leaves his hand from her.

"Ok...ok..cool" she said and they both going to the class. 

"Are you always like this?" She asked.

"How?" He asked.

"Not talking to anyone, like stubborn" she asked.

He didn't say anything and going.

She sighed.

Then they both entered the class.

"Hey, bondita come" Anusha called.

"Hi Anusha" she said.

"Hey, Anirudh is coming with you, how is it possible?" Anusha asked.

"He didn't come with me, I only come with him" she said and sighed.

"And, he lives opposite to my house" she said.

"What?... really" anusha said.

"Yes, I asked him to wait for me in the evening" she said.

"Ha...ok..ok.." Anusha said with smile.

At maths period:

Maths sir came inside and teaching maths lesson, he was solving some problems.

"Ha.. bondita, did you understand it?" Anusha whispered to her.

"Ya..., but I can't able to understand some steps that he is teaching," bondita said.

Bondita was a good scoring student, but she is little weak in maths subject.

"Ya, me too" Anusha exclaimed.

"Any volunteer for solving this problem on the board?" Maths sir asked the students.

Nobody raised their hands.

"Anirudh, you come and solve this" he called him.

Anirudh also came near the board and looking at the board.

Then he started to solving the problem correctly.

All were shocked to see him solving the problem, because he finished that problem within 2 mins. Bondita also became shocked.

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