Chapter 25

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A yawn leave her lips as she open her eyes. She curse Sirius and his stamina. Speak of the devil. His smiling face came into view before the smile turn into a smirk.

"How are you feeling?"

She groan.

Sirius hover over Kallia making her turn red. He plant a kiss on her lips turning her a deeper shade of red.

"Your Majesty."

Sirius growl as he glare at the door. Even Kallia was glaring at the door.

"Go away!"

Sirius hear the person scurry away and sigh.

He get up and pick Kallia up.

"We're not showering together are we?"

"Are you scared baby?"


He chuckle and turn the water on. He step under and set her on her feet.

She grab her soap and wash herself.

After their shower Kallia look for something comfortable to put on. She have a feeling she's not going to get much peace today.


"Yeah. I think."

The minute they step outside the bedroom door a man came up to them.

"My Queen. I'm Cole and I will be your royal advisor. We have your schedule here."

"Hold up. My wife need to eat first. Now move along before I punch you."

"My apologies." He scurry off and Sirius sigh.

"You could have been nicer."

"I was in your position. I beat the guy blue. He quit by time the day end. Then I get Titus. You'll meet sometime this week."

"Don't beat anyone else."

"I'm making no promises."

She roll her eyes and pull him down the corridor.

They got to the dining hall and Alicia wave to her excitedly.

"I hope you sleep well cause its going to be a long day."

"Let her eat mom."

Aurelio join them and pile food onto his plate. He's like a child when eating.

The Human MateOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz