Chapter 7

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Kallia walk into work with frown. She had the strangest dream. She also have a headache and her body ache though she don't see the reason why.

"Kallia you're wanted in the meeting room."

"Why?" She yawn and look at the woman tiredly.

"Beats me."

Kallia walk to the elevator and get on. She press for the top floor and try not to sleep.

"You hear anything from Benjamin?"

"Not a sound. He know he fucked up. Oh and the council want a meeting with you about the wedding. Apparently you're taking too long to make Lindsay the Luna."

"They are looking for someone to control."

The door open and Kallia entered.

"Good morning."

"You look like he'll,"Aurelio said.

"Thanks Captain Obvious." Kallia drop in a chair.

"Rough night?"

"Feel like I've just woken up from a nightmare."

"Here's coffee. I drank some so I don't know if you want it."

"Your saliva isn't going to kill me." She grab the cup and make one drink. "A little better. So what's this meeting about?"

"Are you OK with travelling?"

"I hate flying but I usually sleep through it. Why you asked?"

"We'll be travelling alot."

"Do I have to?"

"It's double pay for travelling."


"You love money don't you?"

"Who doesn't? Money is life. Plus I need a new apartment. You know I could have sworn I saw a wolf last night and then I heard your voice. But I was probably too tired so I'm seeing and hearing things."

"You don't remember what happened last night?"

"What happened?"

Sirius and Aurelio exchanged a concerned look.

"Kallia your apartment was broken into."

"My apartment is OK."

"Let's get to work."

Kallia get up and went instead of coffee.

"How can she not remember?"

"Don't know but I hope it's not what I think it is."

"Someone fucking wipe her memory or something. No one can forget something as crucial. I'll get to the bottom of it.

Just another mystery to solve.

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