- Chapter 60 -

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He feels his shoulders stiffen and he whips his head around when he feels a hand ghost his shoulder. His skin prickles at the contact and his first instinct is to get it the hell away from him.

The hand quickly retracts, and his eyes meet red ones. A concerned look graces Kirishima's features, removing the friendly smile that was previously there.

"You... You okay? You look super pale dude, did something happen?"

Izuku's eyes dart behind Kirishima, where everyone is already joined up. Todoroki meets his eyes, and he feels a chill go down his spine. He looks back at the red-haired boy, who is still looking at him.

He is only looking more concerned the longer Izuku stays silent, and he tries to hear over the slamming of his blood against his veins and his heart against his ribs.

Get. It. Together.


His voice comes out a lot higher than he wanted and it makes him bite the inside of his cheek, before he stops.

"No, I just, I thought I saw a ghost! It was really scary, so I ran away."

The lie is flimsy at best, and he prays that no one can catch it in his voice. Uraraka makes her way over, also looking concerned. Her brown eyes scan his face and his hands. They stop there, slightly widening.

"Izuku, you're shaking! Where is Bakugou? Are you sure you're alright?!"

Damn it. He shoves his hands in his pockets and manages to smile, ignoring the strain he feels against his cheeks.

"We got separated, I'm fine! I'm sure it was nothing and I'm just overreacting! It's easy to get freaked out around here!"

Kirishima and Uraraka share a look, and Iida's eyes don't leave him, just as concerned. It only makes him more on edge. Thankfully, the rest of the group is either deep in a conversation or only give him reassuring smiles that don't linger for as long as the three people in front of him.

Mina thankfully steps in, slinging an arm around Kirishima and Uraraka's shoulders. She has a bright smile on her face, her yellow eyes alight.

"Come on, you guys! He's right, it's easy to get scared in here, Kami just said he saw a hand poking out from one of the doors-"

"I did see it! I swear I did!"

"Anyway, I think it's time we head back home. It was fun while it lasted!"

Uraraka's eyes linger on him, and he gives her another smile. Her eyes narrow and he knows that she doesn't buy even a second of it. Iida clears his throat and puts a reassuring hand on the small of her back, catching her attention.

His voice is loud enough for everyone to hear as he speaks.

"On that note, let's make our way to the entrance! Is everyone accounted for, except for Bakugou?"

There is chatter, until Todoroki speaks up.

"I was with Mineta, but he ran off to look for..."

"Ghost girl panties."

Everyone says in unison.

"Yes, that."

Iida adjusts his glasses smoothly, before taking out his phone.

"Well, as Vice President, It is mandatory to have all class members phone numbers. I will give him a call. In the meantime-"

"Wait, we're missing someone else!"

The other one of the underclassmen that were with Mineta speaks, looking nervous. He plays with the strap of his camera around his neck.

"My brother, I didn't see him when we were walking around and-"

He clearly looks distressed, continuing to fidget with the black strap of his camera, twisting it in between his fingers and looking up at Iida. Kaminari puts a hand on his shoulder, giving him a smile.

"I'm sure your brother is okay! If anything, he is probably outside looking for us or something!"

The underclassman looks skeptical, opening his mouth to protest the thought, but Kaminari continues easily.

"If he isn't, then we can send someone back in to look for him, easy."

He doesn't say anything and just nods stiffly. Iida clears his throat.

"Right. Well, let's get going."

Everyone begins to move out of the building through the place they started. It takes a couple of minutes to get there, and in the meantime, everyone looks around the rooms they pass, calling for Mineta and the missing underclassman.

Iida calls Minetas' phone a number of times and even gets the other missing boy's number from his brother, but no one ever picks up. It goes straight to voicemail every time.

The cold air outside is a sort of welcome compared to the still, dry air inside of the abandoned asylum. Izuku silently goes down the stairs, following the rest of the group.

The underclassman is looking even more distressed, Mina and Kaminari focusing on comforting him as the rest of the group decides to scatter towards the tree line to make sure he isn't lost in there.

There is still no sign of Katsuki, and despite the fear, it makes him feel worried. The image of him ripping apart the body in front of him plays in his mind like a record and he turns away from the building, looking at the tree line.

Still, it doesn't get rid of the thoughts. If everyone starts to realize that they won't find the two missing people, then it will be even more suspicious if Katsuki shows up later, being the only one without-


His eyes snap into focus and meet Todoroki's dual-colored eyes. Even when they have been running around for more than an hour, his hair is still perfect.

He doesn't know why he focuses on that instead of the thing standing behind him.

"Are you okay?"

He stares at it, trying to see if it disappears if he stares at it long enough. What-

It's gone when he blinks again.

"I'm fine, Todoroki..."

He trails off and takes a step back, going one step up the stairs. Todoroki doesn't stop looking at him, and he can see the small crinkle of concern and confusion cloud his eyes.

"Are you-"

"I'm going to go look for Kacchan. He's probably lost and looking for us."

He turns around and walks up the stairs and back into the building, missing the hopeless look Todoroki watches him with as he turns his back to him.

"And the other two?"

"...Yeah. Them, too." 

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