- Chapter 30 -

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The beginning of a ladder is bolted against one of the small walls of the opening, riddled with rust and cobwebs. Izuku points his flashlight into the opening, finding only more of the ladder. He can't see the end of it... 

He is about to go down, but a hand pushes his shoulder, making him back up. Kacchan glares at him from the other side, walking over to him. 

"Me first Deku." 

He doesn't get to say anything else because the flashlight is snatched from him, and the blonde gets down onto the ladder. 

"Watch this shit."

 He tucks the flashlight between his arm and chest and then slides down the ladder smoothly. Izuku laughs and rolls his eyes, despite how cool he thinks that was. 

"Show off." 

He hears a thud and looks down. There still isn't any light. 

"Alright it's clear! Come down Deku!" 


He puts his shoes a couple of rungs down and starts to climb down. It takes him longer than Kacchan, but once his feet touch the ground, he's glad he made it. He looks up and jumps, a scream dying in his throat. 

The blond has the flashlight pointed up towards his own face, which is torn open in half, a dark hole in the middle. 


Izuku shoves him, taking the flashlight. 

"Don't do that Kacchan, it's not funny!"

He doesn't seem to think so, because his face is put back together and he's laughing, the sound echoing. 

"You're such a fucking baby!" 

Izuku glares at him for a second before looking around. Izuku takes a deep breath and instantly regrets it. It doesn't smell much like dust down here, but it smells like when the fridge broke and his mom and him forgot about the meat in the freezer for a week. 

Kacchans laughter has died down, and he goes over to him, grabbing his hand. Izuku grips it back, both of their hands sweaty. 

"It smells like your house." 

"Be quiet kacchan." 

The two of them go the only way that's open. Forward. It feels more like a tunnel rather than a secret room. The flashlight lands on metal cells, with thick bars of metal, all separated with a foot or two of stone wall.

Izuku points his flashlight into one of the cells, finding nothing but scratch marks in the stone floor. That definitely isn't a good sign. They continue walking, looking in the cells as they pass, their footsteps echoing against the walls. 

"You think this is where they sacrificed their victims?"

Izuku shivers. 

"Probably. Under such a nice house too." 

Kacchan shrugs. 

"Not surprising. Those pictures were fucking creepy." 

Izuku looks at him, incredulous. 

"What? They weren't creepy! They all looked so happy." 

Kacchan looks back at him, rolling his eyes. 

"Deku, they were happy because they were killing people down here. Which means they were all probably fucking crazy." 

Izuku can't picture such a happy family being the cause of the smell down here. If anything, they were probably victims of this cult! 

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