- Chapter 35 -

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That is how he got stuck with this thing. The first couple of nights were rough, but he ended up getting used to it popping up everywhere and trying to talk to him. What he never got used to is the constant whispering in his ear every time Izuku Midoriya is around. 

'It would taste so delicious if you just let me take a bite!' 

'I'd hold back, I swear I would!' 

Over and over, Todoroki found himself being washed over with a wave of hunger, of need.


He grips the cool porcelain of the bathroom sink, taking slow, deliberate breaths. In and out, in and- 

'That guy is bad news.' 

A voice that sounds just like Izuku rings in his head. He splashes some water on his face with shaking hands, trying to steady himself again. The moment that guy walked in, he knew something was wrong. He could feel it. 

'They seem pretty friendly with each other...' 

Another detail that makes Todoroki even more sick. Who even was this Bakugou guy? When did the two of them meet? He's pretty sure Izuku only talks to people in their class, so how would he know this... brute? If anything, it looks like Izuku is being forced to be around him.

What if he's secretly threatening him and Izuku doesn't know who to tell? What if he needs help? He looks in the mirror and sees the monster looming behind him, a deep frown on its face. 

'It wants to eat our meal...' 

Todoroki ignores this, but his hand grips the sink, sending a crack piercing through it. His own reflection doesn't look any better. His face is pale, and his eyes look bloodshot. He takes another slow deep breath before letting it out. 

He ignores the black splotches appearing on his skin, because when he blinks, they're gone. It's probably his imagination. He didn't get much sleep last night, and he hasn't eaten anything. His brain supplies more reasons for his sudden fatigue. 

He steps away from the mirror, fixing his uniform tie, and going into one of the stalls. He'll just wait in here until it's time to go home. Hopefully by then, he will be a lot calmer. 

'How can you be so calm right now?! That bastard is going to take Midoriya away from us. He's going to eat him, and we won't even get a single bite!' 

Todoroki grits his teeth, still feeling sick, and looks up at the monster's head. Its standing taller now, its head looming down from over the stall door. 

"He isn't going to do anything. And you aren't getting anywhere near him." 

The monster still has a deep frown on its face. 

'The highest form of love is becoming one with that person. Don't you want that?' 

Todoroki doesn't say anything. 

'If we eat his soul, no one else will get to have him! We can both get what we want-' 

"I don't want to hurt him. I love him." 

A grin stretches across its face. 

'He wouldn't feel a thing.' 


"Kacchan, go find some friends!" 

Izuku grits out, Kacchan right at his side, their arms pressed together despite it not even being that crowded. Of course, the blonde doesn't listen to him, just looking around like he doesn't even know Izuku is next to him. 

"I don't need some fucking extras breathing down my neck like fucking dogs, Deku." 

He really has tried to be patient with him. Even if kacchan is a soul eating, flesh ripping monster in disguise, this is still a new place. But that patience is worn down by kacchan not leaving his side at all, looming over him when he's been trying to look for Todoroki since class let out. 

"Well, I said friends, not extras, so go find some. Kirishima is really nice, I think you two would-" 

Kacchan glares down at him. 

"Then come with me. I don't know why your fucking walking around when you should be walking home."

Izuku wants to ask why he seems so on edge all of a sudden but refrains from doing so. It would probably make him even more mad. The people in the hallways are now disappearing, going home or to their after-school activities. 

"I'm looking for Todoroki. It's strange that he missed so much class time... He's usually the last one to leave the classroom." 

Izuku furrows his brows slightly, thinking about where the other boy could be. He doesn't notice Kacchan still glaring down at him. 

"Icy hot? Who the fuck cares about that candy cane looking motherfucker?! We're fucking going!" 

Kacchan grips his hand and pulls him, Izuku digging his heels against the floor. Before Izuku can start yelling at him, someone clears their throat, and the two of them look over quickly. Kacchan still doesn't let go of his hand. The teacher looks at the two of them before her eyes stop on Kacchan. 

"Katsuki Bakugou. Its protocol that new students stay after school to further get acquainted with the school grounds. This will be where you spend most of your time now, so I suggest you follow me." 

Her voice is silky smooth, and Kacchan grits his teeth, a scowl on his face. Izuku gives him a stern look, and the blondes hand relaxes, letting him go. He shoves his hands into his pockets and follows the women as she walks towards the teachers' lounge. 

Kacchan glares back at him. 

"Your ass better be home by the time I'm finished with this bullshit." 

Izuku nods and a small smile, already hearing the women giving Kacchan a lecture about his language. He guesses he will just have to text him one last time before heading back home. 

'Hey Todoroki! Let me know when you get this, I'm just checking in to make sure everything is okay!' 

He leaves the school, most of the students already gone. He walks down the sidewalk, hands in his pockets as he hums to himself. 


He turns around and Uraraka, Iida, Tsuyu, and Todoroki are walking towards him. He smiles brightly back at them, walking over. 

"I thought you all had club activities?" 

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