- Chapter 50 -

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"Does this count as tagging you?" 

Izuku's whole body freezes, before his face falls. 


His smile appears back on his face in an instant, the freckles on his cheeks drawing his attention. 

"I'm it now!" 

He lets go of his hands and covers his eyes. 


He quickly crawls over to the tube in the playground. It leads to a slide, and he quickly slides down, now on the ground floor where even more children are. He feels slightly grossed out when he sees one kid cough right into another kid's face but continues running. 

He shoves as many other kids as he needs to in order to climb up a different play place. He looks down at the ground from the top, his small fingers in between the holes of the frame keeping kids from falling out. He sees Izuku slide down, quickly looking around for him. 

He snickers, amused by the way he looks so determined to find him. He decides to give him a hint. 

"Hey! Izuku! Up here!" 

The green haired boy looks confused, looking around, until he looks up and sees him. His eyes light up, and he yells back, his hands cupped around his mouth.

"I'm going to get you!!" 

"No, you're not!" 

Izuku is already running to get up to the top, and he crawls as fast as he can to another slide. He gets to the bottom and runs out of the playground. The whole building is full of plastic playgrounds that reach all the way up to the ceiling of the building, but there is a small section for parents who bring their kids just to play. 

They are seated at plastic tables. Izuku would never think to look there, so he runs over, jumping into the ball pit right next to it. He crawls over to the corner and waits. Some adults are talking at their tables, and he hears them perfectly. 

"And I told that bitch to watch it or I wouldn't be paying her, and you know what she said?" 

"Fuck, I bumped my damn shoe against the table again-" 

"Why the hell are diapers so expensive these days? How am I going to change my kid? It's not like I can just leave his diaper dirty, that's insane!" 

"Yeah, it's shitty. If you need it, I can always-" 

Izuku appears and pats his head. 

"I found you!"

 He jumps into the ball pit and goes over to him again. He tilts his head. 

"What are you doing?" 

He pushes some of the balls away from him. 

"What does fuck mean?"

 Izuku thinks for a moment. 

"Um... I don't know..." 

"How about shit?" 

Izuku looks even more confused. 

"Why don't we ask one of the helpers? They know a lot of stuff!" 

He assumes Izuku is talking about the adults that are always wearing yellow shirts and helping the kids. 

"Okay. Let's go ask." 

The two of them crawl out of the ball pit, and he notices a ball is stuck to Izuku's shirt. He pulls it off of him, only to find that it was stuck there because a piece of gum was attached to it. He screams and runs off. 

Disgusting disgusting disgusting disgusting human children, he's going to kill them all!! 

"Wait up!" 

Izuku runs after him, a lot slower. He grabs his hand and pulls him forward. 

"Come on, keep up!" 

The two of them spot a helper and run over to her. She sees them running over and smiles kindly, putting her hands on her knees as they stop in front of her. 

"Hello boys! Do you two need anything?" 

Izuku catches his breath after a second, before speaking. 

"Yes ma'am! We need to know what fuck means!" 

"And shit." 

"And shit, please!" 

The woman blinks, before her smile falters. 

"Oh dear... Where did you two hear these words?"

Izuku looks at him, and he leans towards his ear and answers. Izuku looks back at the women. 

"The grownups!" 

The woman sighs and looks at them sternly. 

"Well boys, those are really bad words, and you should never say them! Okay?" 

"But why were the adults saying them?" 

"Because they are special words, for adults only, so don't say them!" 

Izuku nods, 

"Okay. We won't say them!" 

The woman smiles and clasps her hands together, standing back up. 


It only takes a second before she needs to help another kid, busy. Izuku swings their arms slightly, smiling. 

"Wanna play tag again?" 

He looks at him. 


Izuku's eyes widen, and he gasps. 

"We can't say that it's a bad word only for adults!" 

He rolls his eyes. 

"How come the adults get to say it and not kids? Besides, I'm wayyy older than all the people here, I can say shit!"

 Izuku still looks appalled, looking around for any of the helpers. 

"What if someone hears you?!" 

He shrugs. 

"Fuck them."

 Izuku's reactions are funny, so he does it some more. 

"Shit. Damn. Hell," 

"We are going to get in so much trouble..." 

Every day, Izuku and him play. He never thought he would be playing in this child infested place, but it's not that bad (If he stays away from the ball pit). Another thing is that he can now take children easier. 

He has time to feed when Izuku goes to the bathroom, since there is usually a long line that gives him enough time to eat. He smells Izuku's soul and gets out of his isolated corner. The green haired boy finds him easily, running over to him. 


Another thing he never thought he would participate in. Human nicknames. He came up with it after talking about his favorite food, Katsudon. Izuku is bursting with energy like usual, grabbing his hands and jumping around, making him turn with him. 

"It's my birthday today! My mama says that I can invite as many friends as I want to my party!" 

Izuku squeals excitedly, and he smiles. 

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