- 18: Possibly In Michigan -

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A big grin stretches on the creature's face, though Izuku can only see half of it. 

"I know exactly what I want you to do to pay me back, nerd. If you bitch about it, I'm going to fuck-" 

Before it can get done saying an obvious threat into Izuku's mind, a voice makes him practically jump out of his skin. Not a voice inside of his head, but an actual, real voice. 


He quickly looks over at the person, finding Todoroki looking right at him, walking in his direction. He looks slightly confused and concerned, though it's only a flicker in his eyes instead of a clear expression on his face. Izuku feels his heart beating against his ribs like it wants to escape and run away as far as possible. 


He clears his throat to steady the surprise in his tone. 

"Hey Todoroki, I was just, um... thinking out loud to myself! How long have you been standing there?" 

Todoroki glances at the direction of the creature, who's grin is off of its face. Even without physical features, he can tell it's not happy to have been interrupted. Feels annoying when you're trying to talk, and someone just keeps stopping you huh? 

"Don't be a smart-ass nerd." 

Todoroki looks back at him, standing in front of him. His cold eyes are focused right on him, and Izuku feels a chill go up his spine. For some reason, Todoroki looks kind of different. Maybe it's because they're in an empty dimly lit hallway? 

"I just got here. You were taking a while so everyone wanted to know what was taking you so long." 

Izuku feels so much more relaxed that Todoroki didn't hear him talking to himself. He scoots a bit, and Todoroki sits down on the stairs next to him. He smiles at him. 

"I just got a little distracted. How did you know where I was?" 

Todoroki puts his hands in his lap, his attention right on Izuku. 

"I didn't, I just looked around a lot. I wouldn't have guessed you would be all the way over here by yourself. What were you thinking about?" 

Izuku tries to laugh, but it comes out more forced and nervous sounding then he would have liked. He makes sure to think about Todoroki sitting right in front of him and not the shadow creature around the corner. 

"Don't fucking ignore me, asshole, I was talking first!" 

The creature glitches right behind Todoroki, Izuku keeping his eyes right on Todoroki's face as to not look totally crazy looking up at something the boy can't see. Not having time to search for an excuse, he blurts out the first thing that comes to mind. 

"I was just thinking about the dance. It's nice Uraraka and Iida are going together!" 

Todoroki looks away from him and nods softly. 

"Yeah, it is. Do... you know if you're going with anyone yet?" 

Izuku shrugs. 

"I thought I was going with you and Tsuyu, right? Or are you going with someone Todoroki?" 

Now that I'm thinking about it, Katsuki is kinda like an enderman. Creepy. 

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