- Chapter 44 -

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 Mina is the first one to actually touch the gate, followed by Tsuyu and Uraraka. 

"It's all rusted, so I think we can just bust it!" 

Halfway through her sentence, she lifts her leg back and kicks one of the bars. The gate makes a rattling noise that echoes around them before it finally settles down. Iida looks appalled, but still keeps a good hold on Uraraka's hand as she walks closer to it. 

Kaminari digs his feet into the ground, gritting his teeth as Kirishima leads him to the gate, a big smile on his face. Sero speaks up. 

"Why don't we kick it at the same time? Then it will break easier." 

Mina, Uraraka, and Sero are the main ones in the front, so Mina counts down from three, and they all kick one bar. It snaps and falls to the dirt ground with a muffled thud. They continue the process until there is a good-sized hole in the gate. 

Kirishima looks at the rest of the group, Tsuyu, Todoroki, Kacchan, and Izuku. 

"Who wants to go first?" 

No one says anything, so Izuku takes a step towards it, feeling Kacchans intense glare on his back. He gets on his knees, drops his flashlight onto the other side, and crawls through the hole. The jagged pieces of metal graze against his skin and the fabric of his clothes and almost nick his knee, but he's able to get to the other side safely. 

He backs up to give the next person room and picks up his flashlight. He turns away from the gate to look at the asylum. The dark bricks of the place make it feel like if he looks away for even a second, then he will lose complete sight of it. The yard is huge, circling around the building. 

There are big stone steps leading up to the main door, and the windows are too dark to see through. Especially with the bars in front of them. 

"What a fucking dump." 

Izuku jumps when he hears Kacchans voice and looks back at him. As always, he doesn't look particularly happy with the run-down state the place is in. Kirishima is the next one in, clapping Kacchan on his back again. 

"Yeah, that's because its old, Bakubro!" 

Kacchan grimaces and shrugs his hand off roughly. 

"Is it too late to turn back!?" 

Kaminari is halfway through the makeshift opening, Sero pushing him the rest of the way in, then swinging his backpack in. 

"Yes! Hurry up dude!" 

Kaminari gets up and looks at the building, before his mouth opens and his eyes glaze over. He sways and Kirishima quickly goes over, holding him up. 

"Come on man, it's alright!" 

Izuku holds out his flashlight, slightly concerned. 

"Will it help if you have your own flashlight?" 

The blonde looks at the flashlight and quickly takes it, before shaking Izuku by the shoulders. 

"Thank you! Thank you so much!" 

Izuku laughs. 

"It's no problem!" 

Kacchan glares and pulls him over by the back of his shirt. He sees Kaminari and Kirishima share a look. It doesn't take long for the rest of the group to crawl through the hole, and eventually, everyone is ready to go inside. Mina doesn't look scared at all, but every time she gets too far from the group, she wheels around as quickly as she can. 

Kirishima is right next to Katsuki the whole time, and the two of them are talking. Well, it's more like Kirishima and Kaminari saying stuff while Kacchan and Sero make short comments. Izuku is happy that he is at least trying and is content just taking in the whole place. 

Todoroki is walking next to him, though they are a little behind the group. 

"Looks like we're sharing a flashlight again, Midoriya." 

Izuku smiles, and he gets a small one back. 

"Sorry, this keeps happening." 

"It's okay, I don't mind at all." 

Todoroki sweeps his flashlight over the grass slightly, the group only getting closer and closer to the building. 

"Wasn't Tsuyu talking about people feeling a presence pushing them away from this place? It's weird that none of us felt anything." 

Izuku guesses it was from Kacchan getting rid of it. 

"Yeah, that is pretty weird. Maybe we'll feel it once we're inside." 

Todoroki nods, and its quiet for a second before he speaks again. 

"So, do you want to pair up? You know, so we don't get completely lost when everyone splits up." 

Izuku looks at Kacchan, who is ahead. He will probably group with Kirishima or Sero, and everyone else looks like they are already pairing up. He looks back at Todoroki and smiles again. 


They are a couple of feet away from the steps, before Izuku catches something in the corner of his eye. Another flashlight beam is coming slowly from the corner. Kaminari notices it too, and he quickly gets as far as he can from it, gripping Seros arm. 

"Guys, what is that?!" 

The group stops, looking over at it.


"That doesn't look like a ghost..." 

The people round the building, and they stare, before the person in the front starts to yell. 

"Hey! What are you guys doing here!?" 

Mineta rushes over, two other people following him. Mina glares at him, 

"What are you doing here?" 

Mineta points his flashlight right at them. 

"We're looking for ghost girls to take panty pics!" 

Its then that Izuku notices the camera in one of the other twos hands.


"Yeah, that isn't very manly dude." 

"Besides, i don't even think it works that way." 

Mineta looks offended, and scoffs. 

"Of course it works that way! Right guys?!" 

The other two nod passionately, probably underclassmen. There is a collective silence. 

"If you aren't here for ghost girls, what are you here for?" 

Iida answers. 

"We are here to see if there is anything paranormal happening here! But I think the reason you are here is very inappropriate, Mineta! I think it's best if you left and went home!" 

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