- 7: Remember That Time -

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The creature stares at him before answering. A mouth doesn't appear, but the sound feels like its bouncing off the walls and right into Izuku's mind. He can hear the distant sound of the lights, but in that moment, it sounds like distorted voices whispering into his ears, begging to be heard and acknowledged. 

He ignores it, focusing solely on the creature in front of him. 

"Don't got one." 

Izuku's eyes widen, and he feels embarrassment rush through his body as he bows slightly in apology. He can feel the creatures' eyes on him. 

"Oh... I'm sorry if that... also touched a nerve." 

The creature does nothing but still speaks, 

"Whatever. What are you doing here." 

Izuku shifts when he stands straight again. He begins to get used to the voice of the creature. The thousands of other voices don't feel so muddled and overpowering. Instead, it's the voice of a small boy with the main voice from before. 

"Me and my friends are hanging out here for a bit. Then I saw you and i got curious, though i didn't really expect to find anything to be honest. I figured it was just my mind playing tricks on me, being in a place like this after all."

"I was looking at all of the stuff and they are so freaky, but i guess it wouldn't have been so weird during the time this place was up? I don't know when that exactly was but I'm sure it was forever ago. And when i was walking around it felt like i was doing it forever!"

"Seriously, how long is this place? It didn't look that big from outside but i guess-" 

The creature lets out an annoyed groan and Izuku shuts his mouth up. He didn't even notice he was rambling until it was already too late.

"You just don't shut up huh?" 

Izuku flushes and looks away, hands at his sides. 

"Well, you asked." 

He mutters. The creature stops looming over him, standing up straight. Izuku cranes his neck to see that its head reaches all the way to the ceiling of the supermarket. 

"Yeah, why you were here, not your whole damn life story. Where are the other extras you said were with you." 

Izuku shifts back and forth on the balls of his feet, continuing to look up at the creature. 

"I don't know, we all separated." 

The creature groans again, and turns slowly, beginning to walk in the opposite direction Izuku was just at. 

"Fucking- Come on dumbass. It's not just me in here. I'll help you, but not for free. You got it?!"

 As it begins to walk, Izuku follows quickly, walking at a quick pace next to it but still at a good distance as to not get crushed under its feet. No noise comes from it, its footsteps soft and light.

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