| 十九 |

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──❝Ripples of Destiny❞──

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──❝Ripples of Destiny❞──


〖 Caiyi Town 〗

[Y/n] and Lan Wangji embarked on a journey towards [Y/n]'s homestead, their passage from the Cloud Recesses leading them to the bustling heart of Caiyi Town. It appeared as though Lan Wangji was akin to a loyal shadow, faithfully mirroring her every movement—a picturesque semblance that held a peculiar charm for [Y/n], despite its seemingly superfluous existence. Amidst the lively streets, their path was intersected by a vibrant troupe of children darting past, engaged in a joyful kite-flying pursuit. The duo strolled amidst the bustling thoroughfares, meandering along the riverside, leisurely floating on the tranquil waters, an idyllic sight despite the ominous whispers of water ghosts that lurked beneath the surface. Amidst the murmured rumors of water ghosts lingering in the depths, an unforeseen tranquility draped the very air. Though driven by a steadfast resolve to unravel the enigma of these water phantoms, her immediate focus lay on the imperative task of reuniting with her brother.

Caiyi Town stood true to [Y/n]'s memories, vibrant and bustling. A mélange of enticing aromas wafted through the air, teasing their senses with the alluring fragrance of street delicacies. The grayscale rooftops and white walls of the houses stood in stark contrast to the kaleidoscope of colorful lanterns festooning every nook and cranny. As they crossed a bridge, [Y/n] glanced back at Lan Wangji, remarking, "We're almost there." His silent nod hardly surprised her; she hadn't expected any verbal response. A pang of guilt tugged at her—knowing she had unwittingly drawn him into this journey—despite his choice to accompany her after parting ways with the others.

In the distance, [Y/n] discerned her brother seated by a vibrant stall, immersed in the simple pleasure of a meal. A surge of familiarity and affection surged within her, hastening her steps toward him. He appeared tranquil, his hair pulled back, a bandage obscuring his eyes, traces of crumbs adorning the corner of his mouth while cream dripped languidly. Beholding the state of his flourishing health engendered a profound amalgamation of emotions within her, intertwining an overwhelming sense of reassurance and an effervescent surge of emotion that inundated her heart. Had the herbal remedies genuinely wrought their anticipated efficacy? "Xiaolong!" Her voice carried across the space, drawing her brother's attention. Slowly, he turned towards the sound, his face lighting up as he heard her familiar voice. In an instant, he found himself enveloped in a fervent, tight embrace. The scent of her, so familiar and natural, ushered a sense of calm as he leaned into her, relinquishing his weight effortlessly, reciprocating the embrace with ease. "Jiějiě!" he exclaimed with unbridled joy, the sheer warmth of the reunion evident in his voice.

[Y/n] withdrew slightly, tenderly clasping Xiaolong's shoulders, her inquiry hanging in the air like a gentle breeze caressing their reunion. "You appear..." she began, her words trailing off as Xiaolong chimed in, a soft chuckle punctuating his sentence. "Well? Well, to a degree. Lingering affects from my illness linger still." His smile, suffused with warmth, offered reassurance, a silent testament to his recovery. "Indeed, a relief," [Y/n] exhaled, her gratitude palpable, a profound sense of relief washing over her at Xiaolong's evident recuperation. "Your well-being was a constant worry. I'm heartened to witness your diligent self-care and burgeoning strength." Gently, she swept a stray strand of hair from Xiaolong's countenance; her concern manifested in the depths of her gaze. "Have you been near the river lately?" she inquired. Xiaolong tilted his head fractionally, a quizzical gesture denoting his confusion at her words. "Not of late. Since your departure, the river has remained unvisited by my presence. Yet, now that you've returned, perhaps we can visit the waters," he suggested. [Y/n]'s brow furrowed, a solemn expression claiming her features. "That sounds idyllic, but... for today, I'd prefer you to steer clear of the river," she murmured gently. "Reports of water ghosts have surfaced, and I'm concerned about any undue risk."

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