: ̗̀➛ PRIZES: Humor

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Congrats to the winners of this year's Aster Awards - Humor. Here's your stickers and certificates of achievement.

3rd place: Airathetics' Stuck on Him

3rd place: Airathetics' Stuck on Him

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2nd place: IskippU's Vote the B*tch for Prom Queen

2nd place: IskippU's Vote the B*tch for Prom Queen

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1st place: HeideHunt's The Marks of the Engkanto

1st place: HeideHunt's The Marks of the Engkanto

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A huge shoutout to CroodsGirl for taking out the time out of their packed schedules and judging this genre's entries. Here's your certificate of appreciation.

 Here's your certificate of appreciation

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And, of course. This Awards couldn't have been successful without the rest of the participants. Thank you so much dwarkaratna and Princessiza20 for entering this contest. We really hope you win big next time. Here's your certificates of participation.

 Here's your certificates of participation

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P.S. Thank you soobslatte for creating these amazing stickers, and RookWri78 for the certificates and managing this category.

P.P.S. A very very Happy New Year from everyone here at heather_community. May 2024 be a year packed with sheer happiness and victory!!

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