⌦ 24

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after leaving the house through his bedroom window, beomgyu headed to the only place he had ever thought of as an escape.

the local skatepark.

for some reason, no one really ever seemed to go there. it was always relatively empty, but beomgyu wasn't complaining. he preferred being able to skate in peace especially at times like these when he just needed to get his mind off of things.

honestly speaking, the only time beomgyu had seen anyone else there besides him was when he hung out with his newly found group of friends. not many people in this town really seemed to be interested in skateboarding enough to make use of the skatepark besides them.

and just as he had hoped, the park was empty. not another human in sight, just as he had liked it to be.

stepping off his skateboard and sliding it beneath his arm, beomgyu pushed open the gate and made his way inside the park. he quickly placed his bag and phone down on one of the nearby benches and then immediately headed towards the ramps.

dropping his skateboard down onto the ledge of the ramp, beomgyu carefully stepped on top of it and begun skating up and down the u-shaped surface with ease. his face remained neutral and stoic as the cold breeze brushed against his open wounds and blew his hair back.

on the surface, he was calm and unbothered.

but on the inside, he was a mess. he wanted to cry and scream about how unfair life had been to him. after all, what had he even done to deserve being treated the way he was?

he always did as he was told whether it be to do the household chores or just get out of his uncles sight.

he always went to school unless there was a serious reason he could not. i mean, maybe he didn't always attend class, but at least he was making an effort to be there.

he even lived a quiet life with minimal interaction with others for the longest time up until now in order to ensure he would not cause any trouble for himself or his uncle.

he did everything in his power, yet life still gave him the short end of the stick.

"it's not fair," beomgyu complained to himself. "why me? me of all people? it's just not fucking fair-"


and in the midst of his rant, the wheels on beomgyu's skateboard gave out, sending him onto the ground while his board launched itself forward to the other side of the park.

"are you fucking kidding me?!" he screamed in frustration as he laid flat on the floor, finally giving up on holding in his rage. "it's always me! why can't anything ever go right for me?!"

the boy breathed heavily and stared at the sky above him, not even bothering to get up and grab his skateboard and broken wheels that had been sent to different ends of the park. "seriously... out of all these people, why me..?" he muttered, tears slowly building up with every word that left his mouth.

"beomgyu..?" a voice called out, the sound of the gate creaking open followed. hearing his name, beomgyu instantly wiped away the few stray tears that had managed to slip out, hoping that it wasn't obvious he had just spent the past few minutes crying. "that is you, right?" the person questioned as they cautiously approached him.

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