⌦ 9

417 39 27

possible tw : verbal abuse(?), shitty parents basically

by the time haeri had gotten to her home, she was breathless. she slowly walked towards the house and heaved a heavy sigh before unlocking the front door and making her way inside. she was greeted by her caretaker who looked at her with pity before gesturing to the living room. haeri peered into the room and saw both of her parents sitting on couch with their usual stern faces and crossed arms.

the teenage girl had to mentally prepare herself before she took a step into the room. and as soon as she took one step into the room, her parents immediately sensed her presence and the way they suddenly snapped their necks in her direction was almost something out of a horror movie; it gave her chills. "shin haeri, how nice of you to finally show up." her mother sarcastically exclaimed. "take a seat will you?"

the girl strolled over to the chair and sat down as instructed. "where have you been? i'm sure you were aware we'd be coming home today," her father interrogated.

"i-i just hung out with my friends after school, t-that's all..." haeri had tried her best to speak without choking up in fear but failed to no avail. "i apologize for not being able to greet you when you both arrived. i lost track of time. it was my mistake and i'll try my best to not let it happen again..." she muttered, keeping her head hung low.

"what was that?" her father cocked an eyebrow. "speak up." he demanded sternly. haeri opened her mouth, ready to repeat herself until she saw her mother slowly approaching her.

the woman grabbed her daughters chin and roughly lifted her head, forcing her to make eye contact. her mother spoke through gritted teeth, "and look us in the eye when you're talking for goodness sake. you should know this by now with how many times we've had this conversation." tears welled up in haeri's eyes causing her mother to scoff. "we raised you better than this, haeri. i cant believe you're seriously about to cry over this again." she removed her hand from the girls face and plopped herself back on the couch next to her husband.

the man calmed down his wife and turned to haeri, "the family dinners obviously not important to you considering you didn't even bother to show up on time. just go to your room and study or something. i'm sure your grades could use some help anyways," he laughed. "and don't expect any food for the rest of the day, you obviously don't need it." haeri tensed up and shivered as she watched her parents eye her up and down with faces full of disgust. she quickly bowed and ran up the stairs to her room, refusing to let them see the tears that had been threatening to fall finally pour out.

but as soon as she shut the door, the waterworks began. she slid down against the door as the tears flowed nonstop down her cheeks. what did i even fucking do? i just wanted to spend time with friends for once but god forbid i do that, right? it's their fault i'm even here to begin with, i don't get it...

eventually the tears stopped but now she was beginning to find it hard to breathe. i need to get out of here... just for a bit... she thought to herself. i'll be back before they even know it...

the girl slowly got to her feet and made her way to her window. "yeah, i'll be fine... i can do this..." she tried to assure herself but couldn't help but hesitate. jumping out a window from the second floor was scary, sure, but she was more worried about what would happen if she got caught. she had never done something this risky before and she was honestly clueless as to why she was doing it now. however, she did know that she needed to escape for a bit so she could collect her thoughts.

and so, after a minute of debating with herself, haeri had finally managed to muster up the courage she needed to finally say, "fuck it." and out the window she went. luckily, she landed in a bush that somewhat broke her fall.

keyword : somewhat

she groaned from the impact, thankful for the bush's attempt to help but wished it would've done a bit more. she was definitely going to have a few bruises after that but right now, she couldn't care less.

the girl pushed herself off the ground and began to slowly limp her way to the nearby park with her phone in hand. her plan was to call kai, just as she promised earlier, and cry her heart out to him there but those plans changed once she finally reached her destination.

a familiar looking boy laid at the bottom of the slide. from afar it wasn't too visible but as she carefully approached the boy, she saw all the cuts and bruises on his face. he had his eyes shut and was tightly gripping his arm with gritted teeth.

haeri tried her best to stay quiet as she walked over to him, not wanting to startle him, but that plan went straight down the drain as she stepped on wood chip that snapped a little too loudly. the boy sat up on alert and scanned the area around him like a meerkat and eventually made eye contact with the girl. both of their eyes widened at the sight of the other.



school today was rough due to the tragic news that was released regarding moonbin but i decided to use my free time during the day listening to astro and writing this chapter :)
he will truly be missed so much by so many people around the world. i hope he is now at peace and able to rest easy.

all in all, thank you for taking the time to read this chapter :)

please remember to vote! it would mean a lot <3

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