⌦ 7

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"so, haeri," soobin began, "considering we've got the same uniform, i'm going to assume we go to the same school."

taehyun snickered. "no shit, sherlock."

soobin rolled his eyes at the sarcastic remark and turned back to haeri. "i don't think i've seen you around the school though so, if you don't mind me asking, what year are you in?"

said girl's head perked up at the question. "oh, i'm a year older than kai so i'm in my second year!" after answering what was asked of her, she saw the shoulders of the boys she had just met drop a little as a tiny pout made it's way onto each of their faces. but, yeonjun's pout then became a frown which then became an even bigger frown.

"noooo!!!" he whined. "this means i'll barely see my new bestie during school hours!!!" haeri scratched the back of her neck, letting out a small apology; not that she was really sure this was something she had to apologize for.

"oh yeah, i guess i should've had you guys mention your year in your introductions." kai shrugged as it was already too late and just moved on. "well, taehyun's a first year with me, hence why he was rushing me to get to class this morning. then, yeonjun-hyung and soobin-hyung here are third years! they're so old... especially yeonjun..." kai jokingly cringed as he uttered out the last few words which earned him a punch in his side from the eldest boy.

while yeonjun chased around huening kai and "lectured" him, taehyun and soobin just continued on with the conversation as if nothing was happening behind them. clearly this wasn't their first time dealing with this situation. haeri couldn't help but laugh at the chaotic scene in front of her.

in the midst of his "lecture," kai caught a glimpse of haeri and he couldn't help but smile a little at the rare sight before his eyes. "yah, what are you smiling about? are you a masochist or something?" yeonjun joked to which kai shook his head as he let out a small chuckle. yeonjun finally decided to let kai breathe and took a seat beside the boy.

the two of them were sitting a little farther from the rest of the group, now side by side with the park's fence against their backs. "i haven't seen haeri laugh like that in awhile, honestly. well, not around other people at least." yeonjun gave the blond a questioning look, curious as to what he meant.

"she's usually with me, y'know, because we're childhood best friends and all." he continued. "okay don't tell her i said all of this but, she doesn't really have other friends... that's why i wanted to introduce her to you guys! because i love and trust all of you so i figured she would to! and it turns out that i might've been right."

yeonjun smiled fondly at the youngest boy who slowly had tears welling up in his eyes. he patted the youngers back, "i'm glad, huening-ah. it was nice of you to do this for her, genuinely. and i'm sure she'll fit right in with all of us. well, actually..." he trailed off as his eyes started to drift to the girl who was now fooling around with taehyun and soobin. "i think she already has." kai smiled at the last few words before nodding, mentally agreeing with yeonjuns words.

after sitting in silence for a few minutes, kai stood up and dusted off his pants. "well, we should probably head back over there." he held his hand out to help the eldest up and yeonjun gladly accepted.

"thanks, hyuka." he patted kai's shoulder as he began to make his way back over to the group.

"anything to help the elderly." kai snickered but his joy didn't last long.

yeonjun slowly turned around with furrowed eyebrows and gritted teeth. "yah! what'd you just say?!?" kai whimpered in fear and dropped to his knees, bowing and begging for forgiveness. "that's what i thought... now seriously, let's go."



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sorry, i don't know what came over me there 😁ANYWAYS, i hope you enjoyed this chapter despite it's length & thank you once again for reading!

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sorry, i don't know what came over me there 😁
ANYWAYS, i hope you enjoyed this chapter despite it's length & thank you once again for reading!

please remember to vote! it means a lot <3

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