⌦ 19

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"thank you, come again!" the cashier smiles, handing the bag over to haeri. she slightly bows in response and makes her way outside the store to beomgyu.

"all set?"

"yup, let's go!" haeri extends her hand out for the male which he grabs onto, hoping that his blush isn't too noticeable.

the two of them begin their walk to the park with their hands intertwined. holding hands sort of just became a normal thing between them, although the male still gets a bit flustered at times. they had hung out practically everyday ever since they met and naturally just became close with each other.

neither of them were people who made friends super easily as they both are rather closed off people and yet somehow a friendship bloomed between them and they were grateful it had.

"so, what'd you buy?" beomgyu asks as he begins to swing their arms.

"you'll see."


haeri just sticks her tongue out at him before picking up her pace, catching the boy off guard causing him to almost trip.

"did you really have to do that?" beomgyu complained as the two of them took a seat on one of the park benches. the girl beside him just laughs in response while handing him one of the many snacks they had purchased. he mumbled a quiet 'thank you' and began munching on the food.

haeri shook her head as she watched him sulk before pulling two small boxes from the plastic bag. confusion was written all over beomgyu's face as soon as he read the labels. "did you fall or something?" he blurted out, completely forgetting to finish chewing his food.

"first of all, gross. talk after you're done with the food in your mouth next time."

beomgyu felt his face burn up at this and quickly looked away to swallow the food, then turned back as if nothing happened. "and second, that's what i should be asking you." haeri says as she opens the box of ointment and removes the seal.

haeri holds her hand out to the boy but all he does in return is stare. "give me your arm."

"what? i'm fine, what're you talking about?"



"c'mon, just..." she sighs and finally looks up to meet his eyes. "just give me your arm, okay?"

beomgyu should've known he was going to end up caving in because after all, he always does. no matter how much he tries to insist to her that he's fine, she never seems to back down and he never seems to be able to win against her.

the look in her eyes and the tone of her voice are what always ends up leading to his defeat. every time this happens, he never misses how genuinely worried she actually seems. it's obvious she cares and something about that just makes it so difficult for him to say no to her and refuse her help.

but, maybe that's why it's so hard... because she cares.

and she might just be the first person who does. hell, she might even be the one and only person who does.

say you love me | choi beomgyu 최범규Where stories live. Discover now