⌦ 15

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in the corner of the dimly sunlit library, beomgyu was staring intently at the girl across from him as she explained how she got her answer for an equation. the two of them decided to have their first session in the school library as it seemed to be the most convenient place. it was quiet, cozy, and surprisingly more motivating than beomgyu had thought it would be.

they started almost immediately after school had ended but not before waving goodbye to their friends at the entrance. it's been about three hours since then and the boy found himself being extremely focused throughout practically the whole thing. well, until now.

"do you see how i got that now?" haeri asked, looking up from her notebook. beomgyu tilted his head and stared at her work. he spent two minutes trying to process it but sighed in defeat when he couldn't get himself to understand. "guess not." she pouted.

haeri began packing her stuff back up and beomgyu found himself doing the same. "that's okay though because we got a lot more done today than i expected!" she beamed as she zipped her bag. "plus it's only the first session and we still have like three months until midterms."

"ugh i was doing fine that entire time too! that question really just doesn't make any sense to me at all. sorry that you wasted so much time trying to teach me it." he apologized, standing up from his seat with his bag in hand.

the girl rose from her seat as well, mimicking the boys actions, and shook her head in response. "there's really no point in you apologizing, you know? you're not meant to know everything right away, otherwise you're not really learning, just reviewing." she reassured him. "i was beginning to question why i had to tutor you because you seemed like you already knew everything honestly."

beomgyu lightly laughed as the two of them made their way to schools gates. "i guess you have a point." haeri nodded in satisfaction.

once they had reached their destination, haeri halted in her steps as she pointed to the left. "well, i have to go this way to catch my bus home. what about you?"

"oh, so do i."

she instantly smiled. "let's go together then?" beomgyu nodded and began to follow behind the smaller girl who started cheerfully skipping down the sidewalk. and before he knew it, he was smiling and skipping right beside her.

eventually they both had to stop in order to catch their breaths but they couldn't help but laugh when they saw each other in their breathless states. they came to an agreement to just walk the rest of the way to the bus stop but that didn't up lasting too long.

the two teens were now walking with one foot in front of the other as they tried to maintain their balance on the curb. "this definitely brings back memories." haeri said, whipping her head around to flash beomgyu a quick smile.

"i used to do this all the time with kai when we were ki- woah-" she cut herself off in order to focus on stopping herself from wobbling but, to no avail, failed to do so.

"haeri-" beomgyu reached out to grab her arm but he was a second too late as she was already on the ground with him now beside her. "fuck that hurt..." he muttered out, rubbing his elbow.

the girl groaned in pain as she pushed herself off the ground. "sorry about that..." she quietly said, reaching her hand out to him. beomgyu gratefully accepted her offer and dusted off his pants once he was back on his feet.

"it's fine but maybe we should actually walk this time..." haeri slowly nodded in agreement. "yeah, you're probably right."

they shamefully walked for a few more minutes before finally reaching the bus stop where the both of them slowly sat down beside each other on the bench. haeri pulled her bag off of her back and onto her lap, brushing it against beomgyu's arm by accident, earning a groan from the male.

"i'm sorry, i didn't mean-" she turned to him but her eyes widened when they fell upon his elbow. "oh my gosh, you're bleeding! this is my fault, i'm so sorry!"

beomgyu frantically shook his head at the girl. "it's fine, seriously. it's nothing too serious-"

"you're literally bleeding, what are you talking about 'nothing too serious?'" she remarked, rummaging through her bag before pulling out a box of band-aids. "found them! now give me your arm."

"seriously, you don-" haeri cut him off with a snarl. "fine..." he lifted his elbow so she could apply the band-aid causing her to smile in satisfaction.

"there we go!" she exclaimed as she ran her finger across the blue bandage. "make sure to clean it when you get home though and then apply a new one after." she instructed, handing him another one just in case; a purple one this time.

"okay... what about you, though?" the girl tilted her head at the question. "your knee," he pointed out, "you got a cut too." she peeked over her bag and just as he said, her knee was scraped and bleeding.

"huh, well would you look at that. i didn't even notice." she mumbled. beomgyu swiftly took the box of bandages from her hands, catching the girl off guard. "what are you-"

he pulled one out of the box and placed it over her cut, running his finger across it just as she did for him. "clean it when you get home and apply a new one after." he repeats her words with a cheeky smile.

"you're such a dork." she laughs, putting the box of bandages away. "thank you though."

"you too, thank you."

they're so wholesome, i hate them. (im just jealous bc im single which is why i write and read soft ass ffs...)

sorry that this chapters kind of a filler and poorly written btw 😭

as always, thank you for reading and please remember to vote! <3

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