⌦ 12

430 35 14

"haeri!!! good morning!!!" a voice screeched before engulfing the girl in a tight hug. she grumbled due to the amount of energy and enthusiasm that was already laced in the boys voice so early in the day and groggily returned the greeting. a frown of disapproval spread across the blonds face and shook his head, unimpressed by his friends low energy. "no, no, no. i am not accepting that. now, let's try that again."

"yeah, sure, whatever but can you let me go first?" haeri muttered with her face smushed against her best friends chest. "you'd be surprised at how hard it is to be enthusiastic when you can barely breathe."

"ugh fine," he complied with a roll of his eyes before, yet again, putting on a bright smile. "okay, action! haeri!!! good morning!!!"

said girl took a deep breath. "kai!!! good morning!!!" she shouted at the boy as loud as she could and with as much enthusiasm as she could fake. and there goes all her energy for the day. but at least kai seemed to be satisfied with her new and improved greeting. that had to count for something, right?

"that was perfect!" he applauded her for her hard work. "i'm so proud of you but we really have to go inside now or we'll be late." and with that being said, the younger boy latched onto the girls arm and dragged her inside with him towards their lockers.

both of them opened their lockers and quickly put away what they didn't need for the time being. the two best friends had somehow managed to get lucky with their locker placements this year because they got placed right across from each other. it must've been kai's good luck because in haeri's first year, she got a locker right next to the boys bathroom. to quickly sum it up for you, the noise level was insanely obnoxious and the smell was horrendous to say the least.

after she had gathered everything she needed for her classes, haeri shut her locker and rested against it as she watched kai fumble around with all of his textbooks. although the sight was rather amusing, the girl was just too exhausted to keep watching. so, she decided to close her eyes for the time being while she waited for the first year boy to get himself sorted out.

"okie dokie! are you ready, haeri?" but, much to her dismay, he got everything sorted before she could even enjoy a single moment of rest. letting out a groan, haeri slowly opened her eyes and stared at the blond with heavy eyelids, trying her best to fight the urge to just slump down of the floor and nap. "yah, why are you so tired today, hm?" the boy frowned as he approached the elder and leaned against the locker beside her.

"i honestly don't know. i basically went to sleep right after our facetime call..." haeri mumbled as she pushed kai down by the shoulder, allowing herself to rest her head. he let out a laugh at her actions and cooed, patting her head. "there, there."

"now, as much as i would love to continue being your pillow, haeri, we have 3 minutes before homeroom and your class is kind of on the third floor so..." he slowly pushed her head off of his shoulder and properly stood up, now back at his usual height.

"please don't remind me."

huening kai let out a light laugh. "my bad. anyways, i would offer to walk you there but i also kind of have to get to class. sorry..." he said with an apologetic smile. suddenly, kai felt his phone buzz in his hand and as he read the message he had received, his eyes widened. "holy crap! i have a test first period!" he shrieked. "what the actual fuck! yeah, you're on your own today, haeri! bye, love you!"

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