Prologue- Down the dark streets

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     In the enormous, beautiful, successful city of Pangaea there are people. Not normal people, these people are Country Humans. Pangaea is separate from earth but, if a Country Human chooses to, a human can come and live among them. Humans live normal lives, they just interact with Countries a lot more. The Countries also age a lot slower, obviously shown later in this writing.

     After 1946, the countries Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, and Imperial Italy were put in jail for their crimes. Imperial Italy and Nazi Germany died while serving their time for an unknown reason while Imperial Japan mysteriously disappeared decades later. The USSR, a powerful company owner, was in an arms race with the USA, another powerful company owner, and eventually went bankrupt and had to sell his company.

     In 1991, soon after the USSR sold his company, powers appeared in Humans. But, with that discovery, came with a major downside. 4 Countries went missing and haven't been seen since. Poland, age 16, Czechia, age 24, Philippines, age 19, and Imperial Japan, age 59, all disappeared and haven't been seen since. The USA disappeared as well, 3 years after the cold war. Another downside is that both Humans and Countries had to learn how to control their powers. When they did learn to control them, many went down a path of darkness and are now labeled as supervillains.

     June of 1997 Russia, USSR's oldest son, decided to rebuild his dads company and it skyrocketed until he had to slow down so he didn't make a mistake and accidentally lose all his progress. Ever since Russia's success many other Countries have made their own companies, all of them rivaling each other in their own way. They're all good friends in reality though, they just seem like enemies on TV. 

     Together they all raised money for a school for the people with extremely powerful abilities. A lot of Country Humans joined willingly while some Humans needed to be convinced, good thing they don't have to do homework. Even Countries and people who already finished school had to join, including  China, Russia, and India and Bharat had to do it. A lot of good heroes have been produced by the school. So well that ordinary people began to call it "School of Heroes" which made the school get it's official name. 

     In the school you have to get to the highest rank and hold that rank for a year before you're able to graduate. So, a lot of people who joined a while ago are still waiting, since holding ranks is difficult.  The Humans have been forbidden to enter in the school ever since a single year when all the Humans who attended turned into major supervillains and almost made everything inhospitable.

     Many of the heroes given by the school are whole families. The English-French family and the Russian family are especially famous among the heroic families. The English-French family have been greatly affected by the USA's disappearance. They have all said that they're going to take a break until USA is found, all except Canada and New Zealand who both decided to look for him themselves, as heroes. The two young boys are both attending the School of Heroes currently, and are very high ranking. 


     In a dark alleyway of Pangaea, a human is standing at the end. This human is waiting for someone, when they see a shadow coming towards the alley they smile and pull out a bag and head for the exit of the alley. When they get there, they see a blur, not the friend they were expecting. The human was knocked unconscious before they could make a sound.

     The assaulter dragged the victim back into the dark alleyway. They weren't alone either, they were accompanied by two others. They each wore identical black clothing, black shirt, black baggy hoodie, black leather baggy pants, black masks, black sunglasses, black sneakers, and black gloves with their black hoodies covering their hair. They each had a single color on the left shoulder to tell who was who. The one who had a red dot on their shoulder said, "Another shady drug dealer? Jeez, the police and Heroes need to do a better job" and he pulled out a rope. 

      The one with a yellow dot muttered "Well, when there's a trio doing 'hero work' 'illegally' and killings happening, drug dealers are pretty low on the list" The one with the blue dot elbowed yellow dot and put their pointer finger to their covered lips. "Shhh" they said, "Don't make him angry, last time you did that you almost died." yellow dot rolled his eyes and grumpily folded his arms. When white dot finished tying up the dealer he rolled the unconscious man to yellow and blue dot. Blue dot eyed the man and raised a barely visible eyebrow. "Really? Again?" asked blue dot, red dot kicked the nearby brick wall, "Not my fault my muscles are practically noodles." after some teasing blue dot picked up the man.

     The three mysterious people got in a car with the still unconscious drug dealer and drove to the Pangaeas Police Department. When they got there they lazily tossed the man onto the front steps and drove off quickly. They drove for an hour or so before stopping at the very end of Pangaea City. Once the skyscrapers and houses are gone, it's old abandoned warehouses. So many people have forgotten and overlooked these warehouses, so this trio decided to use it as their home. 

     When they entered their 'home' they turned on the lights and they all ran to their decided rooms. You see, their house is split up. One whole third of it is walled off for their living space. another third has a painted line and they have their workspace there, and the last third is for their training. In the workspace, it would be a mechanics dream, tools and gadgets everywhere. In the training area, which they call 'videogame' because of the way it's set up. They built different levels and put something different on each. If you don't complete the 'videogame' you, by tradition, have to lead the next 'project' which no one likes to do. No one except their fourth team member, who is a bit... two-faced, sadistic, and traumatized are the kinder terms...


Ok, this is just a really big brain leak. If Onyxxcrow doesn't want me using their videos as lore and ideas for most of this then they can let me know and I'll take this down or change it. I did message them asking for approval for the usage of their stuff, but I didn't get an answer so I'm just gonna do this and hope I don't die or anything. Also, India and Bharat are twins and Japan is going to be referred to as Nihon and has a twin as well that goes by Nippon.

Also, the cover was supposed to be "a" instead of "the" just fyi. And I'll try to update this weekly, I still have to finish my other book.

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