The Talk..

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Present Time- Janet Pov:
Eissa is 12 now and it's around the time that we have the talk. It may not be the best talk, but it has to happen at some point. I know y'all are like, you're a woman, so how does that work. I have the same genitalia that he does so I think I can explain it pretty well.

"Eiss can I come in?" I asked at his door.

"Come in Mama!" he shouted back. I walked in the room and he was sitting on the bed playing his PS5. I don't know what game he was playing but it didn't matter.

"Turn the game off so we can talk son." I told
him. He turnt it off and then came the questions..

" balls dropped and my shaft has gotten bigger." he said bluntly.

"Boy, it's puberty your ass is crazy! The reason that you have acne and you get bricked out of nowhere is because you've entered puberty. This is like you changing from a boy and becoming a man. Soon you'll grow facial hair and stuff like that." I said.

"Oh so that's why there's a bulge in my pants sometimes. Oh and Mama I got a crush on this girl...she so fine." he said daydreaming and then Toni's nosy ass walked in the room.

"You got a crush? Oh hell no! You better make it stop. You will not be with one of those fast as girls!" Toni said being so damn dramatic.

"Toni shut your dramatic ass up, he can have a little crush! But Eiss she is right you will not have a fast ass hoe for a girlfriend. Now tell me about her." I said.

"Well she's really pretty, smart, she dragging a wag-"he was saying but was quickly stopped by Toni.

"You better not finish that damn sentence!" Toni scolded.

"I'm just playin Mommy..." he said slickly. He mouthed to me that he wasn't bad ass.

"But anyway..she told me she liked me back and we text all the time. She's really sweet, oh and her name in Alana." he said, this nigga is sprung.

He pulled out his phone and showed us a picture, she was actually a really pretty girl and she was black. I'm not against interracial relationships but I want my son with a black girl.

Sorry but that's just the way I am y'all. Once you go black you can't go back. I'm married to a black a woman as y'all can see, lightskin crazy ass Toni.

"Ma can I get back on the game now?" he asked. I nodded and walked out of the room, I practically had to drag Toni out because Eissa was obviously about to face time his girlfriend. I don't understand why kids think that's so attractive, but it's actually weird.

Toni and I walked downstairs and went into the theatre. We decided to rewatch every season of Braxton Family Values. Toni said some funny shit on there and then would act slow. She is a little slow though.

"Oh my gosh babe, my voice was so Bea Arthur.." Toni said chuckling.

"It was sexy to me!" I said kissing her lips lightly. It was going on 8:00 and y'all know I'm old so I was getting sleepy and I have mouth surgery in the morning.

"Baby come on let's go to bed since you have surgery in the morning.." Toni said pulling me up out my chair and turning the screen and stuff off. I've been drinking pineapple juice all day to try and reduce swelling tomorrow. Hopefully it works, my ass is scared.

When we got upstairs we got in the shower and then laid down to go to sleep. Before we did Eissa walked in and told us goodnight. He's so sweet! I cuddled in close to Toni and held a tight grip on her.

We're not sleeping in clothes tonight so it's just pure nakedness. I rested my penis in between Toni's folds of that pretty pink pussy as I cuddled into her.

"Baby what are you doing?" Toni asked.

"I'm getting comfortable baby chillll" I said hiking her leg up as I slid into her slowly; she felt so warm.

"Daddy chill out.." she whimpered as she adjusted herself to get comfortable. How she going to tell me to chill then slide me into her even more.

"Can we go to sleep now baby? Are you comfortable?" I asked softly in her ear while kissing her neck.

"Mhm can I have a kiss first though?" she asked puckering her lips up.

"Yes baby, you can." I said kissing her and then snuggling back into her neck.

Guys I like having penis it makes me feel powerful. Tomorrow Toni is going to be so sick of my ass. I'm not going to be able to eat or drink the stuff that I want.

No more sparking water just Fiji. I can do that but the whole no excessive talking and no brushing my teeth is going to irritate the hell out of me.

Toni's not going to want to kiss me anymore because she's going to say my breath stinks. I'm going to make a way to brush my teeth! Fuck the rules, I'm Janet Damita Jo Jackson.

Toni's going to be on my damn bumper but I get to be her baby for a few days. She said I'm her big baby earlier when I got to suck that sweet pussy, so she better mean it or we're going to be tussling.

To Be Continued...

Alana ( Eissa's Crush)

Alana ( Eissa's Crush)

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