We're getting serious...

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June 25, 2019- Janet Pov:
Toni and I's situationship is getting serious. We agreed to be friends and get to know each other but now, I'm falling in love with her. We hang out all the time and I really want to ask her to be my girlfriend.

She's the sweetest person ever and she's very humble like me. She's not the type to go and flaunt her money around. I love that because other people just want you to know they have money.

I'm about to head over to Toni's because I need to get this off of my chest. I hope she feels the same way because if she doesn't, I just fucked up a whole friendship. I gotta call her first though because she's always out doing something.

"Hey J, What's up?" she said excitedly into the phone.

"Hey T, are you home I was thinking we could talk.." I said nervously.

"Yeah I'm at home, is everything okay?" she asked concerningly.

"Uhm..yeah I'm fine! I just need to get some things off my chest." I said.

"Oh well I'm here." she said.

"See you soon, I Lo- Bye." I never hung up so fast. Was I really about to tell her I loved her. It wouldn't be a lie but it's just too soon.

When I pulled up to her house and rung the door bell she came to the door in some booty shorts with half her ass hanging out. Her ass is so fat I just wanted to grab it but I held my composure.

We walked over to the couch and sat down and then I started to talk but she insisted she go first.

"I know you said you wanted to get something off your chest, but I have to tell you something way more important.." she trailed off.

"Okay...go ahead." I said.

"Janet I have deep feelings for you, like I want to be with you. I've been trying to push it to the back of my head but I think about you all the time and...I think I'm in love with y-" I cut her off by grabbing her by the face and kissing her.

"I feel the exact some way...so I'd like to take you on a date tonight. Be ready by 7 and I'll come pick you up." I said. She just nodded in response and I got up to leave. She insisted that I stayed a little longer and cuddled with her so I did.

Then around 5:30 I got up to leave and get ready for our date. I can't even control how happy I am right now. Our date went great and of course she said yes to being my girlfriend. I actually got the courage to tell her I loved her!

Present Time- Toni Pov:
I was so nervous on our first official date that I nearly shit myself. She had me feeling good that night, we didn't have sex. We just had a night cap and fell asleep in Janet's bed later. It felt good to be wrapped in her embrace.

"Baby what are you thinking about?" Janet asked.

"Our first date...you had me nervous." I said as I laid on her chest.

"You were nervous.. hell I was even more nervous. You gave me butterflies and you still do. I was looking at you with googly eyes the whole night." she said.

"I remember because you kept making me blush and stuff. You'd always tell me not to cover my face, but I did and still do. You're too good to be true and I thought I'd never find someone like you." I said.

"Whateverrrrr, do you remember when you met Eissa and stole my child from me?" she said.

"Of course I do that's my baby boy.." as soon as I said that he came zooming into our room and laid in between us. He's so goofy!

"What are y'all talking about?" he asked looking back and forth between us.

"The first time I met your silly behind.." I said.

"Oh that's pretty fun time." he said.

June 30, 2019- Toni Pov:
Janet and I have been together for going on a week now and she wants me to meet her son thats I didn't know she had. She showed me a few pictures of him and he's the cutest thing.

He's 2 but he talks very maturely. I'm nervous as hell because what if he doesn't like me. I already met Janet's mother and we're pretty close.

Janet said we're going to go get Eissa around 6 since we have a reservation at 7. Janet is one of the best things that's ever happened to me. I've never in my life experienced anything as sweet as her love. She's my best friend.

We went to get massages before we got dressed so now it's time to go get him. When we got there my nerves were shot to shingles and as we approached the door I hid behind Janet.

She knocked on the door and he answered, he was so cute and bite sized.

"Hey Mama! Who's behind you?" he asked.

"Baby this is my girlfriend Toni..she's going out to dinner with us today." Janet said.

"She's pretty!" he exclaimed.

"Thank you!" I said.

"Boy what did I tell you about opening the door?" Momma Kat scolded.

"Sorry Grandma, but it was only Mama!" he said happily.

"He's bad as hell sometimes.." Janet exclaimed.

Janet went to the car and Momma Kat insisted that we talk and we did. She was telling me how happy she was that I met her daughter and that I make her very happy. I'm happy that I met Janet too, she makes me happy.

On our way to dinner Eissa told me that he wasn't going to call me stepmom. He said I was going to be called his beautiful. He's the sweetest little boy I've ever met.

Present Time- Toni Pov:
"You thought I was sweet when you met me didn't you?" Eissa asked cockily. Janet slapped him in the forehead so fast, I started dying laughing.

"Yes I did think you were sweet baby boy..." I trailed off as he began walking out of our room and back to his. He's really funny too and I love him. His mother on the other hand is a hot ass mess, that woman is a freak. I remember the day I asked her to marry me.

"Do you rememberf when I asked you to marry me J?" I asked.

"Of course I do baby, that's a day when I fucked you real good on my birthday..." she said.

To Be Continued...

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