Shun Kazami (Bakugan)

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[Y/N] = Your Name

[L/N] = Last Name

Italics = Thoughts

: = Dialogue

Bakugan Partner : Haos Sirenoid

(For the genderbend name, Shun will be changed to Sae.)

Now let the story begin.

Sitting on the highest branch of a tree in his backyard, [Y/N] [L/N] finishes playing a song on his flute for his partner bakugan Sirenoid.

Sirenoid : That was an absolutely beautiful melody [Y/N].

[Y/N] : Thanks Sirenoid, Sae taught it to me when we were kids.

Sirenoid : I see. On the topic of Sae, when are you going to confess?

This question catches [Y/N] off guard.

[Y/N] : C-confess what Sirenoid?

Sirenoid : Do not attempt to play dumb with me, I'm well aware of your romantic feelings for the girl.

I really hate Sirenoid's scarily accurate ability to understand me sometimes.

[Y/N] thinks to himself and sighs.

[Y/N] : You're right as always Sirenoid, but I don't know if I ever will confess.

Sirenoid : And why is that? Keeping your feelings bottled up is very unhealthy.

[Y/N] : I know, but what if my feelings are unrequited? Sae and I have been friends since we were little, I don't want to risk jeopardizing what we already have.

Sirenoid : Trust me [Y/N], even if she doesn't return your affections, I doubt Sae would end her friendship with you over it. Life for you humans is short, so why not just take the risk instead of spending the rest of your years wondering if she might have had feelings for you too?

Once again, Sirenoid is right. It's no wonder she was considered one of the wisest bakugan in all of Vestroia.

[Y/N] : Ok partner, you've made your point. Next time I see her, I'll tell Sae how I feel.

Sirenoid : I'm happy to hear that [Y/N]. Now, could you play me another song please?

[Y/N] : Heh. Sure thing partner.

He smiles and begins playing another tune as Sirenoid does her best to hum along to it.

The next day...

I wonder why [Y/N] texted me to come over so suddenly? I hope it's not anything serious.

Sae Kazami wonders as she heads to her best friend's house in silence with her bakugan Skyress sitting on her shoulder.

Skyress : Sae, you need to relax. I'm sure nothing is wrong.

Sae : I hope you're right Skyress.

Skyress : If something was wrong, [Y/N] would have told you immediately. He's your closest friend afterall.


Sae frowns at that word as she's secretly been in love with [Y/N] for a while now.

Skyress : No need to look so down Sae. Perhaps this would be the perfect opportunity to finally tell [Y/N] how you feel?

Sae : Do you think now's really the time Skyress?

Skyress : I do.

Sae : Alright then, I'll do it.

No matter what comes of this, [Y/N] needs to know how I feel about him.

Arriving at [Y/N]'s house, Sae and her ventus partner are greeted by him and Sirenoid.

[Y/N] : Hey.

Sae : Hey.

They smile at each other before heading out to the backyard.

[Y/N] : Would you like anything to drink?

Sae : No, but thank you.

They both proceed to take a seat next to each other under the tree as their bakugan converse.

Skyress : It's been a while Sirenoid, I hope you're doing well.

Sirenoid : I am. Thank you Skyress, it's nice to see you again.

Skyress : The feeling is mutual.

As they continue chatting, their human companions stare at each other in silence.

This is ridiculous! Our bakugan have no problem talking to each other, so why can't me and [Y/N]?

Clearing her throat, Sae speaks up.

Sae : So, why'd you ask me to come over today [Y/N]?

[Y/N] : What? Is it wrong of me to want us to hang out? I just enjoy your company Sae.

He says, making her blush a little.

Sae : I enjoy spending time with you too [Y/N].

The two go silent once again, much to the annoyance of their bakugan.

Sirenoid : Ok, this has gone on long enough, wouldn't you agree Skyress?

Skyress : Yes Sirenoid, it's honestly painful to watch these two go on like this.

[Y/N] : Uhhh...what?

Sae : I'm confused too. What are you talking about Skyress?

Skyress : That you are in love with [Y/N] but are too nervous to tell him, even though on our way here you said you would.

Sae : S-Skyress!

Sirenoid : [Y/N] has feelings for you too Sae, which is why he asked you to come over.

[Y/N] : Sirenoid!

Sae : You have feelings for me [Y/N]?

The ninja girl asks him with a blush.

[Y/N] : Y-yeah, I do. Is what Skyress said true too Sae?

Sae : Yes, I love you [Y/N].

I honestly can't believe this is happening! I don't think I've been happier than I am right now.

With a wide smile on his face, [Y/N] moves closer to Sae and takes her hands into his.

[Y/N] : I love you too Sae.

As those words leave his mouth, Sae pulls [Y/N] into a tight embrace as they share a passionate kiss while their bakugan look on.

Sirenoid : Love is such a magical thing isn't it?

Skyress : It is. I'm really happy for the two of them.

Pulling away, Sae and [Y/N] look into each other's eyes warmly.

Sae : That was my first kiss, and it was everything I wished it to be.

[Y/N] : Same here, I'm glad it was with you. I love you so much Sae.

Sae : I love you too [Y/N].

After sharing another kiss, the new couple hold each other close with their bakugan partners by their side as light beams down onto them from between the branches above.

Female x Male Reader One Shots : Genderbent EditionWhere stories live. Discover now