✩ take her home ✩

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Albert just went quiet, seeing Denis speak about the bathroom thing.. it made him uneasy. Denis was right, it just wasn't right for Joe to be there, and Albert was even more mad about it now. Once Emzy got back inside the crowded room, Albert saw her and instantly rushed to her side. The expression on Albert's face was clear to see.. he was angry, and he was a little worried too. Albert just pulled Emzy to his side, hugging her tightly. He didn't want her to go anywhere, especially not with people like Joe. He wanted to protect her.  "Albey.." Emz said, looking up at him. She was horrified of his response to what just happened. Paige was glued to her side, just as afraid as her. Albert just looked at Emzy, with a serious and stern look on his face. But seeing the scared expression on her face didn't do him any good.. Albert had never seen Emzy like this, and it broke his heart. Albert gently pulled Emzy closer to him, as if he wanted to protect her from everyone. "Emzy.. are you okay..?" Albert asked her, sounding worried and sad. "In the bathroom.. me and Paige," Emz said, trying hard not to let her voice break. Everything was so loud, and she was so afraid. It was overwhelming. Everything was. She knew Albert needed to here the whole story, but she couldn't do it in the loudness of the room. Her breathing sped up, and she knew she needed out. Albert's eyes opened up wide as he listened to what Emzy had just said. His face instantly dropped, his expression began filling with worry."Emzy, you're having a panic attack.." Albert asked her, looking her in the eyes. His jaw dropped, and he didn't know what to do. This was not something he wanted to deal with.. Albert was overwhelmed himself, but he didn't want Emzy to feel this way. She nodded, and pulled him out of the room, and into the hallway, which was scary, because Joe could be there. She leaned against the wall, sliding to the floor, covering her face with her hands, trying to calm herself down. She let herself breathe, just relaxing. "Give me a minute, I'm so sorry.. I'm pathetic." Emz blurted out, her cracking and breaking voice hurting her throat. Albert just didn't care that Joe might be in the hallway.. Albert just wanted to take care of Emzy. The way she just collapsed on the floor, Albert's heart broke seeing her like that. He went to her side, kneeling down to her level, and he gently pulled her hands away from her face... Albert saw the fear in her eyes, and he couldn't stand to see it. Albert just didn't want her to be stressed ever. "Hey.. take your time.. it's okay.." Albert tried to reassure her, trying to sound soft and soothing. "Okay," she said, and after a minute, finally began to form her sentince. "So me and Paige, we were in the bathroom dancing, and Joe came in the bathroom.." she said, once again beginning to get scared. She took a deep breath, and continued, "and he touched me. I slapped him away, and Paige yelled at him, but he didn't listen.. so I ran to come get you." Emz said, looking Albert in the eyes. She felt so afraid, the night had gone amazing, but joe was such a horrible person. She could feel herself slipping into crying, but only a little bit. And even though she knew she shouldn't have felt guilt she did. "I'm so.. so sorry." She said, covering her face with her hands and a few tears rolled down her face. Albert listened to every word Emzy said. Once she got to the part where she said that Joe touched her, Albert's jaw dropped. Emzy, a girl he loved and cared about so much, was getting touched by a man like that? The nerve of this man.. Albert just felt a boiling rage within him. "He touched you..?" He asked her, looking back at her and seeing the tears dropping down her face. "Emzy, it's okay, he has no right to touch you like that. Don't blame yourself, this is not on you.. "Alright.." she said, looking at his pretty face. God, he was so pretty. She nodded to his question, he had touched her. She took a few deep breaths, when she realized how angry Albert looked. Emz, in that moment, was legitimately worried that Albert was going to kill Joseph. Albert didn't realize the look he gave on his face, as that thought of killing Joe just popped into his head. But then he saw Emzy looking at him.. the fear on her eyes, the sadness, the tears on her face.. she looked as if she thought Albert was going insane from the look on his face. He realized what he was doing.. the look he just gave her. The anger instantly faded out of Albert's eyes, as he realized who he had to blame.. it wasn't Emzy, it was Joe.. Albert felt like he failed to protect the person he cared about. "I love you." Emz said, as she wrapped her arms around Alberts neck, hugging him tightly. It was the only place she felt safe. With him. In his warm embrace. Albert felt his lips curl into a smile, and he hugged Emzy tightly back. He wasn't trying to kill Joe anymore, and he just wanted it all to be over. He didn't want Emzy to feel unsafe."I love you too.." *Albert said, as he looked at her and gave her a small kiss on the cheek. This moment, just the two of them hugging, was just perfect for Albert. Even with everything that went wrong, the fact that he was with Emzy was enough to make him feel at peace. As the hug ended, Emz got up, looking at Albert. She didn't know if he wanted to confront Joe, or anything, but if he did she wanted to be far away from it. She wasn't really against Joe getting his face beaten in though, however. It was late, 11:53. She was tired, and so was Albert. If it couldn't be handled tonight, it could be in the morning. Albert got up as well, looking at Emzy. She looked exhausted and ready to go home.. which Albert agreed with. He just wanted to get home so that he could cuddle with her in the comforts of their bed. Albert pulled his phone out of his pocket, as he looked at the clock. 11:53, it was late. "Emzy, do you want to go home? We can nap together and it'll all get better." Albert said softly, smiling at her. "Yeah, I'd like that." Emz said, holding his arm as they walked to the car. She felt safe, she felt right.

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