✩ disgusting disturbance ✩

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As the event calmed down, everyone was allowed to get up and socialize. Of course, most of Albert and Emz friends ran to them. Dani, Kaden, Paige, Denis, Laughability, and even Kat. We all talked, as they congratulated us. "Just wait until the edits are out." Denis said, and Emz laughed softly. He was right, the edits would be crazy. Everyone was making good conversation, and Albert kind of drifted towards his friends more, which Emz didn't mind. But then, a man approached her, pulling her aside. "Hello! It's so nice to meet you. Emz, right?" He said, and she said yes, asking who he was. "Oh, I'm joseph. Creator of gamefam!" He announced, and immediately Emz felt uncomfortable. She knew Albert and Joseph didn't get along, as the gamefam company overall was horrible. Joseph and her made decent conversation, though she wanted to leave, until he got touchy with Emz, trying to hold her waist from the side, making her uncomfortable. Albert was talking with his friends, and as they chatted, he didn't see Emz being pulled away. He noticed his friends' looks. He looked over to Emz to see what was happening.. and once he saw, his blood began to boil. Albert broke away from his friends, making his way over to Emz. Once he saw Joe getting touchy with her, it made him feel so angry. But once he saw the uncomfortable look on Emz's face, he couldn't help but be protective over her. "Hey, what's going on here..?" He said, staring at the man. "Oh, just some nice conversation." Emz said, obviously not meaning it. She looked over at the ceo of gamefam, who already looked unhappy with the presence of Albert. She leaned into Albert gently, feeling unsafe in the situation. But grateful Albert was there. "You just have such a beautiful girlfriend. Man, that body. You must be lucky." Joseph said. Albert just couldn't stand the words the CEO was saying about Emz. Albert looked him up and down, with a stare that said everything he wanted it to. Albert didn't like this guy at all. "She's MY girlfriend, I don't care about what you think about her. Emz is the most beautiful girl in the entire world, and if you dare say anything else, you don't wanna know what I'll do to you." He said, his voice stern and with a bit of anger. Emz held Alberts arm, looking at him. She knew he would fight Joseph, but she couldn't let him. She felt his veins popping out of his arms, which she admittedly found very attractive, but she still knew it meant he was angry. Gently, she stroked his arm. Taking a deep breath of her own, as the pit in her stomach was having trouble going away. "Whatever man, you don't deserve her in bed. She should be my whore anyways, dick." Joe said, then walking away. Emz felt disgusted that a game creator, who made games for mostly children, could say such things. She just sighed a breath of relief as he walked away, even though his words were hurtful. Emz was adjusted very well to ignorant men, who spoke out of jealousy. "Don't let him get to you Albey, he's just jealous. He's a pathetic man." She said, trying to get Albert to hold eye contact with her, but his eyes were glued on Joe. Albert was just in shock. Joe just called Emz a name like THAT? He was the CEO of a kids gaming company, and he had the audacity to call Emz of all people that? Albert just couldn't handle it. His eyes were still on Joe, but he could see Emz stroking his arm.. Albert's attention just went to her. He grabbed Emz's hand, in an effort to make sure she didn't think he was ignoring her. He just nodded, and Emz could see he wasn't in a very peaceful state of mind right now.. Emz didn't really know what to do, she wasn't very happy either, so she just let Albert be angry. She just wasn't sure if it would wear off, or how he would react. She just continued stroking his arm, lightly tracing the veins in his arm, and rubbing on little marks and spots. She loved doing it, it helped her calm down, and when Albert wasn't in a fit of rage, it would drive him nuts. Eventually, joe found his way into another group, though Emz knew he wasn't done with bothering her. But she wouldn't let him annoy her enough. Albert was still pretty mad at Joe's comment about Emz, but all the rubbing on his arm was actually helping him calm down.. his blood wasn't boiling as much, and Emz's touch was the reason. Albert smiled a little bit, as he looked at Emz just stroking his arm. "Emzy.. you're so good to me, you know that..?" *He asked her. Albert just loved the feeling of her touch, and it made the anger seem to disappear. Emz giggled softly, looking up at him. "I try, pretty boy." She said, as she smiled like a fool. Eventually, Paige and Dani approached them, and began talking. They all had a good time, and to Emz it felt like maybe Albert was taking his mind off of Joe, but she didn't really know. After all, he was a very protective person. But, he was making jokes, and being his extroverted self, so everything seemed fine. As the night went on, they had fun. There was music playing, and they'd all dance together during the night, Albert and Emz even slow danced on camera. Everything felt so.. lovely. Emz, by the very end of the night, at around 11:30, was in the middle of the big room, swaying to the music with Paige, Dani, and Kat. She wasn't too sure of where Albert was, but she wasn't too worried. Albert was in the same room, but he was getting lost in his thoughts. He was thinking back to early in the day. Joe, the way he treated Emzy, the fact that he just said "she should be my whore anyways, dick." It disgusted him. He just couldn't believe him. Albert was still slightly mad about that, and he just wanted to find Joe and just kick him in the face or something. But then he felt a hand on his shoulder.. Albert turned around to look at the person who touched him. Who was it? Denis, of course. As Emz and the girls danced their night away, Denis came to come check on Albert, since he was being to tense and lost. "Are you alright? After you went to go save Emi from Joes pervy ass, we never saw you again." Meanwhile, Emz had wandered to the bathroom with Paige. They were pretty much just fixing their makeup, taking pictures, and doing tiktok dances. Stupid, but fun.Denis approached Albert, with a concerned look on his face. Seeing Albert so tense, concerned Denis.. and Denis wasn't a person who would show his concern. But to Albert, it meant all the more to know that there were atleast some people who cared about him. "Hey Denis, sorry if I made you concerned. I'm alright, I'm just still pissed off about that Joe guy. How could he say that to Emzy? The nerve of this guy.. he's the CEO of a company for kids and says things like that??" Albert asked Denis angrily. Denis responded, saying he agreed that Joseph was a horrible guy, and even saw him lurking around the bathrooms. "Oh my god, we should totally do that one tiktok dance!!" Paige said excitedly, and Emz agreed. Paige set up the phone, and they both began to vibe to the music, when they heard the door open. Emz ignored it, and just began doing to dance. She was feeling herself, when somebody else decided to comment "Thats all mine." She heard a voice say, and she jumped up, slapping the person in the face. To her not-so-surprise, it was Joseph. Paige also shot up, looking at him with disgust. "Get out pervert!!" Paige screamed at him, and he grabbed Emz by the wrist, but she kicked him hard, and walked out with Paige quickly. She walked back into the crowded room, hoping to lose Joe, and to find Albert.

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