Chapter 22: Sylvie

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Rafe and Jane were up to something but Sylvie currently did not have the energy to be bothered about it. She'd argued with Jane over lunch and had raised her voice. Granted, Jane could not hear the loudness of her voice, but she had seen her body language. It had started off with Sylvie not promising to take her ice skating at Hyde Park because Rafe had told her to avoid going to public places as much as possible. It was easy to be followed and for things to go wrong in a split second if there were too many people around. She hadn't told Jane that, of course, instead making the excuse that they were in mourning and it was not seemly to do such things. Jane had made her protest known by not eating her vegetables, going as far as to intentionally knocking her plate over to the floor. That had somehow devolved into an argument, which further deteriorated into a furious signing match, which had somehow resulted in Sylvie yelling.

And now, the morning after, Sylvie felt like a complete and unequivocal witch. Jane had lost her father, had moved to a completely foreign place and now she wasn't even allowed to wander about as she had been back in Carlisle, where they had a good amount of open space on their property for Jane to play about in. Sylvie had been heaping all the blame for these new restrictions on mourning but Jane was beginning to chafe against them, growing more and more frustrated every time Sylvie refused a request to go out for something. Sylvie ought to be more understanding, more patient. She was the adult. She did not want to lie to Jane, but what was the alternative? Tell Jane that the Bad Man was real and he was out to get them? It had been difficult enough already to assuage her fears, she did not want Jane to be afraid or worried. Not when Sylvie was sure Rafe would keep them both safe.

Sylvie really regretted her lapse of composure, wishing she had just let Jane sulk instead of being baited into an argument.

And it hadn't even really been about Jane's refusal to eat her steamed asparagus and peas, Sylvie had been in a bit of a fragile mood since the evening prior and it had everything to do with the letter she was writing currently. And the two more like it that she had already written. It didn't help that Rafe seemed increasingly frustrated with each day that passed, unable to find that one thread that would lead him to the answers. Even now his eyes seemed bloodshot, circles beneath them.

And now Jane was giving her a rather pointed cold shoulder, scribbling away on her notebook, talking only to Rafe, who finally had time enough to come sit with them after a week of hard work. At one point she had even led him away to speak of something in secret! And Sylvie was feeling.....hurt. It was silly and a little selfish for her to be upset that Jane was opening herself up to Raphael. He was a good man, the sort that made Jane feel important and valued. He listened to her instead of dismissing her as a lack-wit just because she could not speak, he never spoke to her in that condescending manner older people reserved for children. It was just that....well, Sylvie was far too used to being Jane's sole confidante and she felt somewhat unhappy that a third person was encroaching upon her relationship. Which was both silly and juvenile, but it was true nonetheless.

"She won't let you go ice skating? Well, poppet, I'm sure your mama has a very good reason for that," The words had Sylvie turning her attention back to her companions, her brows drawing in a frown. Why, the little tattler was telling on her to Rafe! "But I'll see if we can manage something."

Sylvie sent a maternal glare in her daughter's direction, which was promptly ignored as Jane scribbled something on her notebook and passed it to Rafe. The petty little creature! She would not sign so that Sylvie would not know what she was saying. Rafe looked at the note and smiled.

"Well, we should ask your Mama, shouldn't we?"

"Ask me what?"

"Jane and I have a very important errand to run today, would it be alright if we went shopping?" Rafe winked at Jane conspiratorially.

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