27. Desperate For You

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Kook was still feeling sad for how Joon had scolded him like that in the morning and left without even saying a simple sorry to him !

" Kookie, you want anything ? Your Appa and I are going out, I can get it on our way back ! "

In-ah asked Kook who was sitting on the couch in living room.

" Nothing Eomma. Just my... "

" Banana milk ! I know that. I am asking anything else ? "

In-ah cut him and he pouted and shook his head.

" Such a baby ! "

In-ah said chuckling, pinching his cute cheeks.

" Eomma, I am not a baby ! "

Kook pouted even more, whining.

" Oh, you are ! You are MY baby ! "

In-ah said kissing his forehead sweetly.

" Now how can I argue with that ? "

Kook said chuckling.

" Nobody can argue with your Eomma ! "

Min-kyu said smiling sweetly at his wife.

" Ya ! If, you can't find suitable comebacks for my words, I am not at fault ! "

In-ah said crossing her arms.

" Oh, I can ! I just don't like my cupcake getting mad at me and make me sleep on couch, far away from her soft warmth ! "

Min-kyu said eyeing shamelessly at her blossoms and wrapped his hand around her waist and both In-ah and Kook gasped at his words.

" Ya, you shameless man ! How can you say that infront of your son-in-law ? "

In-ah said slapping his hand away from her waist.

" Ouch ! "

Min-kyu winced at the way his wife slapped his hand.

She recalled something she wanted to ask Kook.

" Oh... um, can I ask you something, baby ? "

In-ah said caressing Kook's head lovingly.

" Anything, Eomma. "

" The guys are treating you good, right ? They are behaving nicely right ? "

In-ah asked cupping Kook's face softly wanting to make sure her baby was happy and her sons weren't being an ass to him !

She had caught glimpse of Joon being a bit harsh towards her baby.

Kook made sure he doesn't talks to Joon infront of the elders as he knew, Joon was gonna act cold and he didn't wanted that to happen infront of their parents !

" Ofcourse, Eomma ! They are your sons. You have taught them to be a gentlemen. They never mistreat me ! "

Kook said grabbing In-ah's hand in his and squeezed them assuring her and In-ah smiled softly at him.

" Yeah, yeah, ofcourse. They are her children, she taught them everything ! And me ? What have I done except for spending hours with you; passing and knocking you out ? I didn't do anything in raising them well ! "

Min-kyu said sulking.

" Ya ! Just shut you mouth ! You... you and that stupid shameless son of yours have no censor on your mouth ! "

In-ah said turning red at her husbands words and slapped him once again on his arm.

" Who are you talking about ? "

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