47. The Temptation

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" Appa is chewing my head, Chim ! He is asking me to get married to your husband before they return home ! "

Taehyung said frustrated.

He and Jimin were sitting in Jimin's room and Taehyung was letting out his frustration.

Jimin got he was frustrated but he wanted his brother to think about it carefully.

He have seen the effect of them being married to Jungkook and he wanted his brother to be happy too.

" Taehyungie, you should listen to Appa. He have always wanted the best for us. He knows what makes us happy more than we know !

And anyways, haven't you noticed the things happening around us ? You got sick a day before leaving. The destiny too don't want you walk away from your happiness !

And haven't you noticed none of us fight anymore. I mean we do, but it isn't like we used to.

For money, for property, like some demon had possessed us. We had our money more than we needed yet we craved for more !

The sage told us to hold onto someone and we held onto Kookie and see neither of us fight anymore.

We are always together. Happy for eachothers. We love him so much and he loves us back the same !

We have even started loving eachothers just the way we used to in our childhood. What else do you want as a proof that you should marry Kookie and complete the circle and save our family ! "

Jimin said softly trying make Taehyung understand.

But Taehyung wasn't in the mood of a lecture. He just wanted to let his heart open but his twin had decided to go against him !

Already his brain was playing games with him. He was feeling attracted towards his brother's whore and here his brother was convincing him to get him married to the same whore !

He had enough.

" Chim, I don't want to fight with you. As long as I am asking you nicely, get out. Or I will say something; you'd hate me for life ! "

Taehyung said seriously and Jimin sighed in defeat and left the room sadly.

Just a moment later, Tae heard knocks on the door and someone entered.

" Fuck off, will you ? "

Taehyung almost screamed without looking who was that.

" Ouch ! "

A soft and melodious voice made his breath hitch. He didn't expected this person here.

Kook saw Jimin coming out sadly from his room and so he decided to talk to Taehyung about not hurting his husbands.

Taehyung is here only for a few days and Kook don't want his always happy and cheerful family to be gloomy because of him.

He isn't liking the way his husbands have stopped laughing and be happy.

Kook knocked three times on the door and opened it when heard nothing. He stepped inside and was welcomed with a ' Fuck off ' !

" I... I am sorry. Chim was here just now chewing my head and I thought he is back again and so I... I am sorry. "

Taehyung said softly.

" Well, consider yourself lucky that, I still talk to you even if, you keep insulting me always !

Your hyungs have spoiled me to a huge extent that, I don't give a fuck about someone who doesn't respects me ! "

Kook said coming closer to him.

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