Evan Ferguson (Brighton) - Fairytale of New York

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Day 25 of Christmas

In the dimly lit room adorned with twinkling Christmas lights, Y/n watched as Evan's face contorted with frustration during a heated argument at their friend's festive gathering. "I just can't believe you didn't cop that she was flirting with you is all." Y/n said in the bathroom of their friends Christmas party. "She wasn't flirting, she was being friendly." Evan replied. "Yeah, because friendly girls rub your arm all the time, don't they?" Y/n scoffed. "Your friends that are girls kiss your cheek every time you make a shit joke, don't they?" Evan rolled his eyes and opened the door to leave. "I'm not doing this." He mumbled. "No, because you started it." Y/b said, using all her might to shut that door. "I went to talk to Shane and you came over getting all protective!"

"Shane liked you before we started going out." Evan replied simply. "Right? So what about Connor then? Why am I not allowed talk to him?" She asked, infuriated. "That's different! Connor is my friend, I know him and what he's like around girls." Evan said. "What? So you can't trust me then, is it?" Words were exchanged, harsh and unrestrained, echoing against the backdrop of laughter and merriment. "Look, it's not my fault your a jealous bitch, alright?" Y/n was taken aback for a second. Should she put it down to the fact that he was drinking a bit or that he was a complete and utter arsehole? "Fuck this, Evan. Find your own way home!" Y/n said as she opened the door of the bathroom and out to the hall to get her coat. "Where are you going?" Y/n turned to see her friend Dana stood with a glass of prosecco. "I'm gonna head. Ive work in the morning." Y/n smiled, pretending to be alright. "Is Evan gonna head with you?" She asked. Y/n shook her head. Her mouth opened to speak, but just then Evan stormed past, bumping into her. Dana looked between the two. "What happened?" Y/n wrapped her scarf around her neck and opened the door, the cold air offering a temporary respite. "I'll send you a voice note when I get back to my flat." She said, before bidding her fired goodbye and leaving.

As snowflakes gently fell, Y/n found solace in the quiet streets, her mind wrestling with doubts about the future of their relationship. The glittering cityscape seemed to mirror the uncertainty in her heart. Hours passed, each minute feeling like an eternity. She had just gotten home from a horrible Christmaz Eve shift at the restaurant she worked at. Horribke people, a horrible day, and to make it worse, a toddler throwing a small pot of ketchup at her. She turned on the TV, too tired tired even change her black shirt with red stains. She was on the verge of crying and that was until a soft knock on her door interrupted the lonely silence.

She turned the TV down and stood up. Maybe a neighbour was taking care of a package for her. That usually happened when she was at work. She opened the door and Evan stood there, regret etched across his face, clutching meticulously wrapped presents. His gaze met Y/n's, and the weight of the argument seemed to lift. Without words, they found themselves entwined in a heartfelt embrace, a silent agreement to put the disagreements behind them.

"I'm sorry I fucked up during our argument. I'm truly sorry for the things I said." He whispered. "I know. I'm sorry too. It really hurt me." Y/n replied. "I know, and I can't take them back. I was frustrated, and I let it get the best of me. I never meant to hurt you." Evan said as he pulled away from the hug to look down at his girlfriend. "I won't let it happen ever again." She smiled. "Come on. Get inside."

In the warm glow of Y/n's living room, the Christmas tree illuminated the space as Evan presented the carefully chosen gifts. Their conversation began tentatively, with apologies and promises, slowly rebuilding the connection that had momentarily fractured. As the night progressed, the couple found themselves wrapped in blankets, watching movies that held sentimental value.

With the strains of "Fairytale of New York" playing softly in the background, Evan extended his hand to Y/n. "Come on. This song is the reason we're even together." He was of course talking about how they met a few years back at a Christmas party and this song was playing. Y/n so desperately wanted to dance but all of her friends had someone to dance with and then Evan showed up and offered her his hand, much like right now. Y/n smiled and took his hand, before Evan started the pace. In a dance of forgiveness and reconciliation, they moved gracefully across the living room floor, letting the music weave its magic. The lyrics echoed their journey-imperfect, yet filled with the beauty of shared moments.

Outside, snow continued to fall, creating a serene winter wonderland. The world seemed to pause as Y/n and Evan rediscovered the joy of being together. As the clock struck midnight, they stood by the window, gazing at the snow-covered city, grateful for the second chance Christmas had bestowed upon their love.

And so, in the quietude of that magical Christmas Eve, Y/n and Evan found that even after the fiercest storms, love could weather the challenges and emerge stronger, just like the enchanting tale of New York that played softly in the background.

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