Pablo Gavi (FCBarcelona) - Fangirl

750 13 2

Requested: yes
Prompt: Y/n meets Gavi as a fan but he takes a liking to her
Warnings: nope

Pablo sighed as he spotted the crowd forming. "Coño." He mumbled. All he wanted was a day with his family without fans. He warned his sister that Las Ramblas is possibly the worst idea, especially on a Friday. "Oh look at that. Your fans are coming. Looks like we do have time to go have a look in some shops. You however, don't have a chance." His sister joked. "You're hilarious." He replied. By the time his family had gone into the store, Pablo was swarmed. He smiled uncomfortably as their hands reached around him, their phones all focused on him. His eyes darted around, grabbing sharpies and signing aimlessly.

Y/n was one fan in the crowd. She smiled as she spotted him, before it soon took a turn. She felt just as swarmed as Gavi had and could feel her chest rise and fall rapidly. She was being squished and squeezed from every direction. She opened her mouth to tell the people to move, but nothing came out, just a strained noise. "Hey! Stop! You're going to kill her!" Y/n felt her gaze go dizzy. Before things could go further, she felt everyone move away and it was asthough everything went somewhat quieter. "Hey, let's give her some room!" He said moving one cameraman somewhat roughly. Y/n, slightly flustered, looked up and met his gaze.

Gavi put his arm around her to steady her as he looked down at her, a friendly smile sat on his face. "What's your name?" He asked, breaking the ice. Y/n was in awe. "Y/n. You're Gavi." Pablo chuckled. "Yes, nice to meet you." He said. "Nice to meet you Gavi. Can I call you Gavi?" Pablo chuckled softly, shaking his head. "Call me Pablo. It feels more personal." Y/n nodded, feeling a rush of warmth at the informal invitation. "Okay, Gavi." Pablo shook his head again. "No really. Call me Pablo." She swallowed the lump in her throat as she nodded. "Okay, Pablo."

Pablo noticed Y/n's phone case; clear with a Polaroid of the Camp Nou in it. "Want me to sign it?" Y/n looked down at the phone case. She eagerly agreed, handing over her phone case. Pablo signed it, he paused for a moment, almost as if he was thinking, before continuing to write. He smiled to Y/n and handed her the phone back. Y/n looked down. Of course, she saw his signature but below it, it seemed as if he had added his phone number. She looked it confused. Y/n blinked in astonishment. "Is this?" Pablo nodded. "Just in case you ever need anything." He winked. She was at a loss for words. "It was nice meeting you, Y/n." He said, turning his attention back to his fans.As the crowd dispersed, Y/n clutched her signed phone case, feeling dumbfounded as she watched the Spaniard simply walk away.

Later that evening, Y/n found herself sitting on her bed, contemplating whether to call the number Pablo had shared. Her heart raced with a mix of excitement and nerves. After a moment of hesitation, she decided to take the leap and dialed the digits. The phone rang a few times before a familiar voice answered. "Hello?"

Y/n's heart skipped a beat as she replied, "Hi, Gavi. It's Y/n." She said. "About time! I thought you were going to ignore the number. And how many times; call me Pablo." Their warm laughter echoed through the phone. "How are you?" He asked. "I'm good. Well actually, school stuff but I'm sure you don't want to hear about that." She replied. "No, no. Talk all you want. I just want to listen to you." Her cheeks heated up. "If you insist." She smiles to herself, hearing his gentle laugh from the other side of the phone. Their conversation flowed effortlessly, spanning from soccer to shared interests and personal anecdotes. Before they knew it, hours had passed like fleeting moments and their families had gone to bed.

"You should get going. You have a game tomorrow." Y/n said. "And you have work. I hope it goes good." Pablo said. "Likewise. Goodnight Pablo." Pablo loved hearing her say his name. "Goodnight, Y/n." He retorted. They hung up and whilst the story should end here, it ends with Y/n covering her face with a pillow and giggling and then to Pablo holding his phone close to his chest with a soft smile on his face as he simply imagined her face and the pair drifting off to sleep, dreaming of their next encounter.

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