Jude Bellingham (Real Madrid) - An Unexpected Gift

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Day 5 of Christmas

"Another glass?" Jude asked, lifting the bottle of wine. "Don't mind if I do." Y/n smiled, lifting her glass from the countertop. Jude poured her a generous glass and one for himself. "Now, what else have we to do?" He asked. "Well, pigs in blankets, gravy, mashed potatoes-"

"Brussel sprouts." He interrupted. "Absolutely not." Y/n replied, not looking up from the food in front of her. "My mum loves them." Jude said, knowing she would definitely make some for the exception of one person and one person only. "I'll make some for Denise but that's it." She said. "Thank you." The pair were cooking together for their first Christmas Dinner together. The years before, they both lived eith their parents, but since Jude moved to Madrid and Y/n moved for university, this would be their first Christmas in their new house and in a new city.

"How long until you family gets here?" Y/n asked. "Not for a while." Jude replied. "I say we get started on the breakfast. They could be here any minute." Y/n said. Jude nodded. "Yeah. We can leave the dinner for an hour or so."

"No, the turkey and ham needs to go in now and then the veg and stuff go on in a few hours." Y/n said. "Wouldn't that cremate the food?" Jude joked. "You're hilarious, really." Jude wrapped his arms around the shoulders and kissed her cheek, pulling her back into his chest. "I don't know what I would do without you." He whispers. "You'd have an undercooked turkey." He chuckled. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say. Let's just get the breakfast done first."

The pair set aside the dinner and went to work at the breakfast, making....well a full English. What else could be better first thing on Christmad day? Especially for Jude's family who were fresh off a flight from England. As they were plating the food, the doorbell rang so of course, Jude went to see who it was. It didn't take long to decipher who it was as she heard the familiar voices of Jude's family from the hallway, followed by Denise walking into the kitchen with a huge smile on her face. "Y/n! How are you, my dear?" Y/n put the pan in her hand down and went to greet Denise with a hug. "Oh my goodness, it's been so long!" Y/n chuckled. "You're cooking breakfast?"

"Yes, full English." Y/n replied. "Jude, you have a good girlfriend." Denise shouted out. Jude shortly walked into the kitchen with a huge grin on his face. "I've the best girlfriend." He replied. "Have you opened your presents yet?" Denise asked. "No, I told him we should wait for you, Denise." Y/n then greeted Jobe and his dad before the family sat down and enjoyed their breakfast together. "Full English breakfasts just taste better on holiday." Mark said, finishing up his breakfast. "Or maybe it's just the person who cooked it." Y/n smiled at the compliment. "I wouldn't say that. I've had Denise's breakfasts and they are unreal."

Y/n put the dishes away in the dishwasher with the help of Jobe, and the family went to the living room to open the gifts. Denis head brought a few with her, as well as the few from duty free. Y/n sat on the sofa beside Jude opening the gifts she had received from her own family who unfortunately couldn't make it this year. Jude simply sat beside her with his arms around her, every so often pressing kisses onto her shoulder. "We should go to your family next year." Jude whispered. "Why's that?" She asked. "Well I don't have to be back to training until the 29th, do I?" Y/n held a melancholic smile. "Suppose so."

"You alright?" Jude asked. "I just miss them." She said. A few minutes later, the buzzer for the gate has buzzed. Y/n looked confused. "Who's that?" Jude shrugged his shoulders. "Probably the postman." He replied. "It's Christmas Day. Surely they don't do post on Christmas day?" Jude stood up and pressed the button for the gate to open. Shortly after, the doorbell rang. Jude promptly stood up and walked out to the hall, opening the door. Nobody heard anything from the hall, then a few moments later, they heard talking and laughing. As the footsteps towards the living room grew closer, Y/n turned her head. Jude walked through the door and then, to Y/n's surprise, her whole family.

"Mum!" Y/n ran into her mums arms, then her dad came and threw his arms around both ladies. "You planned this?" Y/n asked. "Course, I did. I didn't want our first Christmas away to only have one family." Y/n peppered Jude's face in kisses. "You didn't tell her we were coming?" Her dad asked. "No, I thought I'd leave it as a surprise." Jude smiled. "Oh, you're the sweetest." Y/n's mum said, her hand over her heart. "I love you so much." Jude kissed the top of her head. "Happy Christmas, love." He whispered, pulling her closer into his chest. "Happy Christmas."

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