Chapter 13-Jerome

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Chapter 13: Jerome

A/N: *stumbles in* holy frick has it been a while

my god

anyways i didn't bother to edit this because im on a time limit so

*fades out*

"Jerome, can you slow down?" Henwy called from further down the slope.

"How 'bout you just speed up?" Jerome responded, still climbing. "I thought you said you were good at physical activities."

"I am- you're just freakishly good at climbing-"

Jerome went up to the nearest ledge and stopped, waiting for Henwy to catch up. Once he did, the two spent a moment catching their breath, before Jerome spoke.

"Y'know, this would be a lot easier if you just flew us up to the top." He said. Henwy sighed. "As much as I would love to do that, I shouldn't risk Nico and the others spotting me flying. I just got this magic- I'd like it to be helpful for a while at least." He had a point. Henwy had found a spell in that spell book that let him change his appearance, so he looked like his normal human self, instead of the Ender Dragon-Human crossbreed he actually was.

"Fair enough." Jerome replied, standing back up. "So how about we get back to it, then?"

"Sure." Henwy also rose to his feet. "Hey, actually, why are we even doing this? You didn't mention when you dragged me here."

"We're trying to get goat horns!"

"...Goat horns?" Henwy echoed. "Why?"

"I heard they make a cool sound if you hollow them out and blow into them."

Henwy stared at Jerome. "Really. You dragged us all this way just because-" He facepalmed, but wasn't really surprised. "Whatever. Let's just get going."

The two restarted their ascent, both silently navigating up the rocky surface. Jerome had no clue what Henwy was thinking about, but his own thoughts weren't very deep- honestly, he was hardly thinking at all.

The wind blew against him, lightly ruffling his clothes as he climbed. Luckily, he was so experienced that it would take at least a tornado for the wind to bother his ascent. Henwy was clearly struggling a little more- Jerome guessed that his wings were making the wind a bit harder to deal with. But he was staying on pace, pushing himself up from one handhold to the next-

Until his foot slipped.

Henwy could barely yell out as he plummeted. Jerome quickly looked down to see Henwy collide with the outcropping they had rested on before. Jerome started going back down as fast as he could without falling. By the time he made it back down to the ledge, there was noticeably more blood on the rocky floor.

"Henwy! Are you alright?!"

The part-dragon stared at him for a moment, the fall having broken his disguise, before realizing that he'd been asked a question. "Uh- yep, I'm- I'm fine. Fine."

"'re bleeding."



"It's not that bad."

Henwy wasn't completely wrong- most of the damage had gone to the scales on his head and neck- but he was still bleeding, the purplish-red substance leaking from his head. Jerome looked through all he had on him, and, seeing no better option, ripped the strap of the bag he was carrying to use as a makeshift bandage. He took his canteen and poured its contents over Henwy's head, washing the blood off. Now that he could see the wound better, it wasn't actually that bad.

But still, better safe than sorry, right?

He picked the torn strap back up from the ground, started wrapping it, and paused.

The injury seemed like it had shrunk- not by much, but it was still smaller. That was... odd.

He watched it for a few more seconds, and sure enough, it was like the scales were just putting themselves back together.

"Henwy..?" Jerome asked, slowly. "Did you pick up any healing spells in that book?"

"No. Only spell I managed was that Illusion."

Well. That was definitely abnormal.

"Really? 'Cause, uh..." Jerome trailed off slightly, trying to think of a good way to explain it. "The wound's just sorta... gone?"

"Gone? What do you mean-" Henwy reached a talon up to his head and pressed on the area the injury had been. "-oh. That's strange."

"Yeah, it is." If Henwy didn't have any form of healing magic, then why did the wound just fix itself like that?

I mean, it's not like I have-

"Maybe you've got some sort of magic." Henwy suggested, to the complete contrary of Jerome's own thoughts. "It started closing when you got near it, right? You might have some innate ability or something."

"I mean- I guess I might- but how do we confirm that?"

"Easy." Henwy took a second to examine his claws, and then promptly slashed his left arm with them.

"Wha- Henwy-"

"What? I'll be fine." The hybrid waved a talon dismissively, as if he hadn't just cut his arm open. "We wanted to test whether or not you have magic, right? Now we can." While Jerome questioned his friend's sense of self-preservation, Henwy stared at the cut on his arm, examining it.

A minute later, and nothing had changed. "Well," Henwy started, watching the blood slowly drip down his arm. "I'm clearly not the one with the magic." He stretched his arm out, and Jerome took it in his hands. Sure enough, just like before, the cut started to heal itself.

But, it didn't heal fully- it became noticeably shallower and stopped bleeding, but it wasn't gone completely.

"Well, that's weird." Jerome commented. He could imagine a few reasons why it wasn't working as well, but they'd be hard to test without Henwy causing more damage to himself- which Jerome definitely did not want him to do.

Henwy himself didn't seem too bothered by the slash still on his arm. He ran a claw over it, making sure that it had stopped bleeding, and shrugged. "Yeah. It's not gonna be a problem, though. I've dealt with worse."

"I'm sure you have." Jerome agreed. "So I guess this means I've got magic too, huh?"

"Guess it does." Henwy paused for a second. "And of course you get it for free, while I actually had to work for it." He didn't sound mad, so Jerome decided to play into it. "I'm just that talented, y'know?"

"Sure you are," Henwy chuckled dryly. "Now, we should get going. We shouldn't keep Nico and the others waiting any longer."

"Are you sure you're fine?"

"Yes, I'm sure. You don't have to worry about me."

"Alright, alright, I gotcha. Let's get going."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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