Chapter 6-Sigils

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Chapter 6: Sigils

Something was wrong.

Sigils sat up in his bed, slowly rubbing his eye. He didn't know why, but he just felt that something was... off.

"Biffle?" Sigils asked, shaking off his drowsiness. "Are you awake?"

Then he remembered.

Right. Henwy.. The Dragon.. Biffle.

Sigils had to try very hard not to burst into tears, instead burying his head into his pillow.

About ten minutes later, Sigils came to the realization that he was not going to get anymore sleep tonight. He reached over to his nightstand, grasping around until he found Biffle's monocle. Sigils put it on his own face with a sigh.

As he stepped outside, he realized that his feeling of unease hadn't gone away. Sigils decided to take a walk around the village, both to make himself familiar with the layout, and in hopes that he would be able to distract himself from his strange feelings. After walking for a few minutes,

Sigils looked up to see a house he hadn't noticed before. It wasn't the nicest house he'd seen yet, but it had its own charm to it. The maroon walls were made of something Sigils hadn't seen around the world in either of the previous... seasons? Yeah. That sounds right. Seasons. It gave a feeling of mystery, like there was something important that was happening. As he walked closer, he could hear the soft notes of a piano playing.

A/N If you're curious, the song being played is 'Fallen Down' from Undertale.

Whoever was playing the song had incredible talent, and Sigils couldn't help but feel somewhat jealous as he remembered his brief attempts to learn how to play the piano. It hadn't gone very well. Deciding that meeting whoever lived here would be a good distraction from the heartache he was feeling, Sigils walked up to the door and knocked on it. The music cut off, and Sigils heard the sound of footsteps growing closer. A thin, tall male with unkempt hair opened the door. The red robe he was wearing almost reminded Sigils of Frost. "Ah, Hello Sigils," The man greeted in his surprisingly suave voice. "I figured you'd come by soon."

Sigils stared at him. "H-how do you know my name?" He managed to stammer out. The man chuckled. "I do suppose we haven't been truly acquainted, have we?" Sigils shook his head, slowly. "Well, my name is Lookumz."

"Lookumz? That's... honestly a really strange name."

"And 'Sigils' isn't?" Lookumz quickly retorted. Sigils had to admit he had a point. "So, uhm, can I come inside, or..?" Sigils asked. Lookumz nodded.

"Oh please do! It's been a while since I've been able to share my tea with anyone else!"

"And why is that?" Sigils found himself asking as they walked inside. Lookumz gave an offhanded wave. "Well, my job just keeps me so busy! If I'm being honest, I was worried I'd have even more work to do once you all showed up!"

"And, what is your job exactly?" Sigils asked, curious.

Lookumz smiled to himself. "I'm the medical worker of this town. Usually, it's pretty quiet around here, but my latest project has taken a lot of work."

"Well whats your-"

"What have I been working on?" Lookumz interrupted. Sigils nodded. "Y'know, you're really predictable sometimes," Lookumz said with an over-exaggerated sigh. "Anyways, I have a question for you. Have you ever heard of the concept of 'respawns'?"

"You mean like, coming back after dying?" Sigils asked. "Yeah, I've heard of it, even tried to make it real a few times, but I just couldn't figure out the commands."

Lookumz grinned. "Well, I'm pretty close to finishing my 'project', so if you really wanna know what it is.."

Sigils gasped. "You don't mean..?"

Lookumz nodded. "Yep. I've found a way to 'enable' respawns."

With this information, Sigils temporarily forgot the emotional strife he was in, his love of science overtaking it.

"Well, how does it work? Are there side effects? How many command blocks did it take-"

"Slow down Sigils," Lookumz said with a smile. Let me explain it, and then you can ask questions."

As they discussed the workings of science and magic over warm chamomile tea, Sigils found himself being very glad he went for a walk that night.

A/N: oh my god I love the Sigils and Lookumz duo. Fun fact: This chapter was originally intended to be Sigils finding out what happened to Henwy, and talking to Zud, Kate, and Frost. But that didn't happen, so.. guess you'll find out what happened to Henwy next chapter! ;)

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