Chapter 11-Henwy

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A/N: Did y'all really think I was just gonna give you one filler chapter?
Well you probably did
But whatever!
Merry Christmas for real this time

Chapter 11: Henwy

Henwy didn't really know what he thought about Alxton returning. On one hand, his existence implied that Biffle was also out there somewhere. And if he was, then Henwy wouldn't be a murderer. But that wouldn't matter. Everyone would hate him anyway.
Well, maybe not everyone... I don't think Jerome could hate somebody if he tried.
Henwy glanced out his window, where Alxton was introducing himself to the new members. The man had become the talk of the town in the last few hours, mainly because of his transformation. Similar to Henwy, Alxton had become a hybrid. But instead of being an Ender Dragon hybrid, he was part fox, now with fur instead of skin and a bushy orange tail.
Henwy noticed the door slowly open. He didn't bother to turn around to greet Jerome as he came in. The man had started coming over to Henwy's house more often over the last few days. Jerome claimed it was just to keep him company, but Henwy was sure he was just watching over him in case he suddenly snapped.
He hadn't felt any different when he woke up as an Ender Dragon hybrid, but saying that wouldn't convince Jerome not to worry about him. And besides...
It's nice to have someone who cares.
"Hey Jerome," Henwy sighed. "Do you need something, or are you just here to bother me?"
Jerome didn't answer the question, which Henwy took as 'just here to bother him'. He sat down next to Henwy.
"So, why're you staring at the window?"
"...No reason."
The two sat in silence for a while, both in their own thoughts.
"...How did we get here?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, how did we get here. How did we go from a group of close-knit friends, to this? I don't feel safe going outside. I don't think anyone has seen Gold or Karan since day 2. Biffle is gone, Sigils was depressed- heck, he probably still is. I just- I'm thinking back, and I'm realizing that all of this is my fault. I started the Mafia, I was the first supervillain, and yeah, Gold was the one who gave me the ability to hatch the Dragon Egg, but I was the one to do it. And destroying camp was my idea. Am I the problem? Am I...
Am I the reason we can't be happy?"
Henwy was crying now. The facade he hid his worries under was breaking, and he couldn't stop it. This was all his fault. They could've been happy if he wasn't there.
And maybe they'd be happy again if he just left.
Jerome turned to Henwy. The two stared at each other for a moment, Jerome's gray eyes meeting Henwy's swollen brown ones. Before Henwy could even utter another word, Jerome tightly wrapped his arms around Henwy, letting the now-hybrid cry on his shoulder.
"No, Henwy, you can't think like that. You may have done all those things, but you're not the reason we can't be happy. The damage may be done, but it's healing. I can't talk for anyone else, but I'm happy just being here with you, and if that doesn't prove you wrong, I don't know what will. I'm not gonna tell you not to worry about it, but I promise you it isn't as bad as you think. You can do better. You don't have to be the villain."
"...r- really? Do you mean that? You aren't just trying to make me feel better, right?"
"Yes, I mean it. Anyone can be great if they just try, and I'm sure you'll try harder than anyone else."
Henwy stood up and wiped the tears off his face. "Well, if someone like you believes in me, then I'm sure I can manage."
"That's what I like to hear!" Jerome also stood up and started going through the bag he had come in with. He took out a book and a pair of gloves and passed them to Henwy.
"I got these for you," Jerome explained. "I figured it would help hide the scales on your hands."
"Oh- uh- thanks." Henwy took the gloves and slid them onto his hands. "But what's the book for?"
"It's a spellbook, apparently. I bet you get bored just sitting in here, so I'm giving you something to do."
"So Frost wasn't joking about there being magic here. Well, It's worth a try, I guess. But, don't I need a wand?"
"Uh- maybe? Read the book and find out."
Henwy took the book out of Jerome's hands and inspected the cover. It was a dull red without any title anywhere. The book looked ancient to Henwy, like it hadn't been so much as looked at in ages.
"So, where did you get this?" He asked Jerome, who made an offhanded gesture.
"I borrowed it from one of the admins." He replied simply.
Henwy opened the book to its table of contents. It had a fair number of sections, some about how magic worked and others about different types of spells. Henwy could skip over most of the introductory stuff as he listened to Frost's explanation to Zud about the topic. There was one thing he hadn't heard of, though.
"'Focuses'." Henwy read aloud, flipping to the page about the subject. "'An object used by a spellcaster to use their magic. These items can be anything on the caster's person, such as clothing or accessories, but most choose to use wands as their focus. A focus must have been exposed to magic essence to be properly used.'" That wasn't too hard to understand. Henwy had no clue where to get this 'magic essence', but he'd cross that bridge when he came to it.  For now, he was more interested in the types of spells he could try to cast. Flipping to random pages, Henwy scanned the lists for any spell that could be of use to him. For a while, none of the spells he saw appealed to him. There was one poison-related spell that was intriguing, but it wasn't what he was looking for at the moment. He made a mental note to come back to it and kept searching.
Eventually, Henwy found something. A supposedly simple 'Psychic' spell (whatever that meant), called Illusion. It allowed the user to make a- you guessed it- illusion that could cover another object, inanimate or otherwise. The Illusion couldn't be broken by outside forces, and would appear completely real to everyone but the caster.
Henwy smiled. He knew what he wanted to do, so now he just had to learn the spell.
And how hard could that possibly be?

A/N: Pasted this one on mobile so the formatting might be a bit screwed but it should be fine

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