Chapter 8-Nico

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Chapter 8: Nico

Nico was walking to the center of town. Nobody had told him directly (of course they didn't- they always seemed to forget about him), but supposedly the Campers were going to build the nether portal for the first time in this new world. Before he walked into the main circle, Nico made sure to adjust the Supreme hat on his head. Gotta look fashionable, y'know. He walked to the area where the other Campers were, and was surprised by the tension.. Or, rather, the lack of tension. Sigils was conversing happily with a pale man Nico didn't know, but he ignored that. After all, when was the last time he had seen Sigils smile? Looking around, he noticed that Jerome and Henwy were missing.

Well. That explains the lack of tension.

A man wearing a dark red robe stepped into the middle of the circle the Campers had formed. Nico was pretty sure it was Frost, but he had never really been good with faces. "Alright everybody!" Frost called out, "Are you all ready to head into the nether!?" Suddenly, Nico was hit with a strange sense of Deja-vu.

This exact same scene, but instead of Frost, Sigils was in the center. Gold and Karan shared light banter, Jerome was teasing Henwy, Alxton and Ambrew were talking to each other near the end of the campfire... Biffle, standing in the front, silently cheering for Sigils.

Nico shook his head with a sigh. Things may have been getting better, but it could never be the same as before..

Or could it?

It wasn't hard to imagine scenes like that with this new group of people. Nico had originally thought that Sigils would never be the same after the loss of Biffle, but here he seemed so.. cheerful. Carefree. Happy.

Maybe things couldn't go back to the way they were before. But, maybe that wasn't such a bad thing..?

The crackling of the nether portal pulled Nico out of his internal monologue. Frost had lit the portal, and now everyone was preparing to go in.

Well, Nico thought, I bet this'll be fun.

It wasn't. As the Campers trudged through the soul sand valley, Nico found himself getting increasingly irritated with the nether. They were stuck in a loop of soul sand, lava, and ghasts. So much so that when they came across the blue and red of a crimson forest, Nico almost thought it was some sort of mirage. But no, it was truly a crimson forest, in all of its vegetated glory. Nico turned his head to look at the rest of the Campers, and realized that they must've split off at some point. The only people Nico could see were Zud, Frost, and Ambrew.

Maybe everyone else went to find blaze rods? Nico thought. After all, they had to get to the End at some point.

Suddenly, Zud and Frost took off in a different direction, leaving Nico and Ambrew alone.

"We're going to trade with the piglins!" Frost called behind them. "You guys can explore a bit!"

"Alright! We'll meet you back here in thirty minutes!"

Nico muttered under his breath. "'You guys can explore a bit'? We aren't children Frost, you don't have to lead us everywhere."

Nico looked up to see Ambrew running off. "Hey! Wait for me!" Nico called out, sprinting to catch up to him. They ran around for a while, learning the terrain, and just having a good time. And, naturally, before they knew it.. They were lost.

"Uhm, so.." Nico started, "Do you have any idea where we are?"


Nico sighed. "Me neither." he looked around. "But I think it's this way-" he said, pointing in a random direction.

So they started walking.

And walking.

And walking.

About 45 minutes later, they heard something. Something that sounded a lot more organic than the ambiance of the Nether. But, it didn't exactly sound human.

"Did you hear that?" Nico asked Ambrew. Ambrew nodded. "Yeah, I think it came from over here," He said, walking towards a group of crimson roots and vines. Nico decided he would stay back, just in case something came out that wasn't Ambrew. That was the plan, anyways. But Nico was tired of standing around, and what was the harm in going with Ambrew?

So they went into the brush, Nico using his sword to cut through any particularly thick sections. Eventually, they came across a house. It was in shambles, as if it had stood through natural disasters. Nico and Ambrew looked at each other, before stepping up to the doorstep. Nico took a deep breath, and knocked on the door..

No answer.

"Maybe It's abandoned?" Ambrew said, reaching to open the door. It swung open, revealing an inside that looked just as decimated as the outside. The only decent-looking thing was a blanket made out of piglin hide. Ambrew walked over to it while Nico searched for anything else of interest. He didn't find anything though, so he turned his gaze back to the blanket.. Which now had a bushy, orange tail sticking out of it.

"Ambrew, wait-" Nico said, too late. Ambrew lifted the blanket.. And his jaw hit the floor.


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