Chapter 2-Zud

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Chapter 2: Zud

"So why are we collecting flowers again?" Zud asked Kate as they walked through the forest. "I dunno," She responded. "Lookumz says that they have some sort of magic, and the others agree."

Zud groaned, remembering the conversation from an hour ago

"You really think there's a way for us to use magic?" Zud had asked. Lookumz nodded, gesturing to the purple and pink flower between them. "Yes, and this flower is the key to the ability."

Zud stared at him. "...Is this a joke?"

Lookumz shook his head, but his answer was interrupted by the sound of footsteps coming up towards them.

"Glad to know ya trust me so much, Zud." Frost said, grinning. Zud sighed and turned towards Frost, who was a tall, pale, and thin man. He wore a hood, which sometimes made it hard to tell his expression, but Zud had gotten used to the 'mayor' of their 'town'. The 'town' that Zud lived in consisted of himself, Kate, Lookumz, Florian, Rafessor (usually just called Raf), and the 'mayor', Frost.

"Well why would I trust you?" Zud shot back. "Last time I did, I landed face-first into a river."

Frost laughed. "Well, that's your fault for forgetting when April Fools Day is."

"Maybe it is, but still!"

"So, anyways..." Frost reached into his pocket, pulling out a bag filled with a white powder-

"What the HECK Frost-"

"No, no, calm down. This stuff comes from the flower. It's a 'magic essence', or something like that."

"...'Magic essence'." Zud echoed. "Really."

Frost facepalmed. "Yes. Anyways. I need you and somebody else -maybe Kate- to go gather more of these flowers for us to use."

"Sure, sure. Me and Kate can get you your 'magic essence'."

Frost groaned. "Just GO ALREADY."

And that's how Zud found himself hiking through the forest, with a bag full of flowers, since Frost didn't explain how to turn the flowers into the essence.

"Hello? Zud? Are ya having a flashback or something?" Kate asked.

"Um... what?"

"You've been zoned out for the past few minutes." Kate sighed. "I've just been standing here waiting for you to snap yourself out of it."

"Alright then," Zud said quickly. "I'm ready to get out of here if you are."

"Sure, I'm ready." Kate replied offhandedly. "Oh but, do you think we could go and check out that rocket ship looking-thing that crashed a while ago?"

"...I'm sorry, what?"

"Oh right, you were zoned out when it happened." Kate said, pointing towards a clearing in the distance. "While you were daydreaming, a massive thing of metal just suddenly appeared and crash landed over there. Maybe It's a time machine!"

Zud scoffed. A time machine? Kate really could be so insanely imaginative sometimes...

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