Chapter 7-Jerome

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Chapter 7: Jerome

Jerome yawned. The last day and a half had been pretty uneventful, at least for him. The only thing of remote interest was that he had built a home in the town he and the other Campers now lived in.

Deciding that he should do something interesting today, he set out to find Henwy. If he was being honest, Jerome was worried about his friend. Henwy was pretty good at playing tough, but Jerome could tell there were things weighing on him.

The sunlight shone cheerfully as Jerome stepped outside. He took a deep breath, enjoying this moment of calm.

It was easy to imagine that it wouldn't last.

As Jerome looked around, he realized that he didn't actually know where Henwy lived. He hadn't really interacted with anyone after the crash-landing, which made sense. That was half the reason Jerome wanted to visit Henwy. Not wanting to go door to door, Jerome started to go around the town in hopes of finding someone who knew where Henwy lived. About five minutes later, his wish was granted. A tall man was walking through a garden that Jerome hadn't noticed before.

"Excuse me!" Jerome yelled over to the man, who raised his head towards Jerome in response. Jerome ran up to him, stopping on the edge of the garden.

"Sorry if I interrupted something," Jerome said to the man. "But I was wondering if you could help me find something?"

The man nodded.

"Thank you! Oh yeah, my name's Jerome; what's yours?"


"Alright then Lookumz, d'ya think you could help me find my friend's house?"

"...So this is Henwy's house?" Jerome asked. Turns out, Henwy had built his house pretty close to Jerome's. Maybe that was intentional, maybe it wasn't, but that didn't matter.

"Thank you so much Lookumz!" Jerome said to his companion.

"Don't mention it," Lookumz replied with a smirk. "But, if you don't mind.." He passed a scroll to Jerome. An actual scroll. "Could you give this to Sigils next time you see him?"

"Uh.. sure?"

Lookumz started walking away, leaving with a wave of his hand. Jerome stared at the scroll for a while, before putting it into his backpack.

He walked up to the door of Henwy's house, but hesitated to knock.

What if he doesn't want to be bothered? What if he's busy?

He shook his head, breaking out of that train of thought. Jerome knocked on the door before he could think himself out of it.

"Henwy! Are ya there?"

The door opened slowly, revealing a tired-looking Henwy.

"Hey Jerome," Henwy said slowly, "what're you doing here?"

"I just wanted to come check up on ya," Jerome replied. "After all, you've been really quiet these last two days."

"Oh really," Henwy said with mock surprise. "I wonder why."

"Yeah, whatever. Anyways, can I come in?"

Henwy walked back inside his house, gesturing for Jerome to come with him.

Henwy was always a talented builder, so it was no surprise that his house was well made. It truly felt like a home..

Henwy walked over to his oven and pulled out a tray of cookies.

"So are you hungry?" He asked. "Because I have enough for the both of us."

Jerome eagerly nodded, and went to sit down at the nearest table. Henwy put the cookies on a plate, and set it carefully on the table.

Jerome grabbed a cookie while Henwy was taking off his oven mitts. It smelled amazing, and it tasted just as good. Or, at least, it would've if it wasn't burning hot. Jerome dropped it with a yelp, fanning at his mouth.

As he walked back to the table, Henwy passed a bottle of water to Jerome, who eagerly drank it all.

"Thanks, Hen, I- huff- wasn't expecting it to be that hot."

Henwy chuckled. "What'd you think was gonna happen? They just came out of the oven; of course, they're hot."

"Yeah, maybe I didn't really think that through. They taste good though!"

"Well, that's good," Henwy said with a laugh, his tail shaking-

Wait a second. What.

Jerome looked down to the floor. And sure enough, there was a tail. A long, black, and thick one.

Exactly like an Ender Dragon's.

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